Page 145 of In The Shadows

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Chapter 36


The bed shakes under me as I am jostled awake. Theo flinches side to side and a low growl escapes through his clenched teeth. He’s having a nightmare and isn’t coming out of it.

His face flashes through terrified emotions as his eyes pinch tight together. The muscles of his arms flex as if he’s fighting someone in his dreams.

I sit up, letting the sheets fall, exposing my still naked body. After our realm-shattering sex last night, Theo helped to clean me up and then pulled me tight into his powerful arms. Between the multiple orgasms and him wrapped around me, I was asleep in moments.

I stroke Theo’s chest, trying to wake him as easily as possible. I don’t know how he reacts when awakened from nightmares.

“Theo, it’s ok. You’re safe,” I whisper.

His thrashing increases, and I know his horror is reaching its peak. I need to get him to wake up before it consumes him. “Theo, please wake up.” I raise my voice a tone higher and push at him. I lean closer, looking for a way to break this nightmare’s hold on him.

His large hand clamps around my throat as he sits up, pushing me back. His eyes are empty. My shadows seep from my hands, unsure of what to do. They won’t hurt him, but they know they must protect me.

I urge them toward his head to pull as I attempt to pry his fingers from where they dig into my skin.

“Theo,” my voice is weak as he cuts off my air in his tight grip.

I use my shadows to wrap around and shake him hard. The light in his eyes returns as he pants from fear. His face pales in the dim glow of the room as he realizes his hand is around my throat. He drops it immediately and I fall forward, gasping for air.

Theo pushes back, slamming into the headboard. “I’m sorry. Oh, gods. I thought ... I’m so sorry.”

The agony in his voice is palpable. I raise my head as my breathing eases, and I rub my neck. I crawl toward him and sit in his lap. Cupping his face, I bring his pained eyes to mine.

“I’m fine, Theo. You didn’t hurt me.” I plant light kisses on his cheeks, forehead, and then his lips.

A weak sigh comes from him. I grab the back of his neck and place my forehead on his, taking an exaggerated breath. He understands the meaning and takes one with me. I make him take several deep breaths before I release my hold.

Sitting back, I look at him with a soft smile, letting him know everything is alright. “Do you want to talk about it? I know a thing or two about nightmares,” I ask, hoping he will share with me. His eyes fall to the bed, and he adjusts the sheet, fidgeting.

“It was about King Oren. It’s the same nightmare I’ve had since he killed Lily, but this time I caught up to him.” His eyes slowly rise to me, and I fight back my emotions.

He has nightmares because he thinks he failed to save me, and I loathe Oren for what he did to him. Hatred boils under the surface, and I curse the fates for not letting me be the one to take Oren's life.

“You were strangling him for what he did to her?” I ask, already knowing he was. He nods lightly at my question as I shrug. “It seems we share our dream of killing Oren as well.” I let out a breathy laugh and Theo huffs. I shift off him and take a seat on the bed, wrapping a blanket around us.

“Can I tell you something no one else knows? Not even Nyx.” He nods, and I swallow as I prepare to divulge a secret I’ve never spoken out loud.

“I was plotting to kill Oren before he died,” I say quickly, getting it out. Theo’s eyebrows raise at my declaration. “A few years before he died, he did something I couldn’t get over.”

I gaze at the reason this plan started. Those sweet honey eyes stare back at me in wonder.

“I took little responsibilities from him and began acting on my ideas to improve Umbra if I were to become their queen. The trade agreements were my idea.” His hand slides into mine for reassurance, and he rubs his thumb lightly over the back of my hand. “The crew stopped listening to his orders before he died. I was slowly driving him mad by taking away the one thing he loved the most—power. I was days away from killing him. Unfortunately, whatever creature was in Fati got to him first.”

I scoot up the bed until my back is against the headboard beside Theo. He watches me, taking in my words. I get comfortable and lean my head on his shoulder. Theo wraps his arm around me, drawing me close. I snuggle into him, enjoying his warmth and tantalizing scent.

“Oren died in my arms,” I say, and Theo flinches beside me. “He opened a portal back here, thinking we would save him. Oren stumbled in, gasping for air as blood poured from long slashes across his chest. His skin was gray, and red stained his fingers as he tried to stop the bleeding. There was also this ... odor.”

Theo pulls back to look down at me. “What do you mean, an odor?” he asks with confusion lacing his tone.

I take a moment to remember the day Oren died.Probably the best day of my life.

“Rancid but sweet. He smelled like his flesh was rotting off his bones already, but there was this undertone of a sweet, tangy scent. It smelled so unnatural and putrid,” I answer, wrinkling my nose as I remember the way the scent lingered after they removed his body.

Theo settles back into my side with a shudder.
