Page 49 of In The Shadows

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With eyebrows raised and arms out to steady me in case we collide, he asks, “Where are you off to in such a hurry?”

I crane my neck to look up at him.

“That rabbit from the forest tracked me down and was trying to murder me in my chambers, so I came to find you to save me,” I answer, gesturing my thumb over my shoulder toward my door.

My face is blank as I stare into his gray eyes. He huffs in annoyance, but a soft giggle from me melts his resolve, and he answers with a deep one of his own.

“But seriously, what’s up?” he questions.

“I may have come up with a wild idea on how to solve the whole King Leopold issue,” I reply.

“Go on,” he says conspiratorially, and I lean toward him.

“You know how he loathes,” I draw out the last word, “being proved wrong?”

We nod together.

“Well, what if we prove ourselves innocent and put his lies on full display? Care to join in?”

Our faces split into the same devilish smiles.

“Let’s grab some food and head to the council room to work out the details,” I say, and we make our way to the dining hall to grab some dinner.

The hall is buzzing with activity. A chorus of conversation fills the space, laughter billows throughout.

The sight of my crew enjoying a meal together lessens the pain in my heart. Nyx is right. Our people are safe and happy. But I’ll never tell him that.

Gods,I would never hear the end.

We cross into the hall, greeted by the scent of spices and cooked wine. My mouth waters, and I move to get in line for our meal. Several members of my crew take notice, and we share pleasant conversations as we wait.

Little children shower me with their messy hugs and ask me for the next story time. Their parents assure them it would be in a few days. My heart swells with the love I have for these people. My people. The only ones allowed to know part of who I am: their queen. Everyone in The Keep is sworn to secrecy in order to enter our band of misfits and protect the queen.

Only a few know my true name. When I arrived, I made the mistake of telling an older woman who I was. They buried her broken body the next day, after Oren was through with her. Others who slipped up met a similar fate. I learned the power of a name then and that it wasn’t mine to hold.

Loma and Tobias knew my name from day one in Umbra but would never say it unless in private. Nyx learned shortly after but has been my anchor through the years. Without him, I would have lost myself completely a long time ago. It was risky to tell Kira my real name, but I needed it on her lips whenever we came together.

I look up and smile gratefully at Nyx. He returns a quizzical look. I shake my head and shove at him to move forward with the line. We pile our plates high with delicious pork cooked in red wine, coriander, garlic, and other spices I can’t place. The aroma alone awakens my taste buds, and I am salivating.

Pyke pops out of the kitchen with a plate that holds a little round puff pastry. He bows, handing it to me.

“You don’t need to bow every time, Pyke. How many times do I have to tell you that?” My words break through my laughter.

I swear this man bows even if he glimpses my red hair.

“It’s a sign of respect and honor to bow before you. And I shall continue to do so until my body no longer allows,” he says, stiffly standing straight.

Oh, my heart.

I close my eyes to let the words wash over me. I need this time with my people to revive me. All the death lately has been taking a toll on my soul, and they heal me with their kind words and shared respect.

Nyx and I sneak from the dining hall and head to the council room next to the throne room. He pushes open the heavy wood door and we enter. The room is simple, with large windows along the back that let the remaining beams of sunlight illuminate the space.

Before us is a dark wood half-moon table with five low-back chairs set around it. Positioned back from there is my desk in matching wood and a high-back chair with intricate lattice work framing the outer edges.

I walk to my desk and spy an envelope placed in the center. The elegant handwriting tells me the letter is from Amelia. Since my letters have to be diverted from Lux to Fati before coming to Umbra, it can take time for hers to reach me. I wrote to her a month after my return, as promised, and I’m interested to hear what she has to say about Lux.

Nyx notices the envelope too. “Who’s that from?”
