Page 10 of His Toughest Case

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I've never felt this way about anyone… not ever.

It's only been a few nights, but I can't seem to remember a time before I used to wake up to her by my side, in my bed, surrounded by the scent of her.

With London, I find myself liking the things I used to detest: sleeping beside another person, eating meals together, even buying flowers for no reason. It’s dawned on me that this wasn't meant to be a one-time thing like I had with other women I've been with in the past.

Because I no longer feel the harrowing emptiness that's haunted my soul for the longest time. Instead, I feel complete in the knowledge that I want her… All of her. I want to protect her and that beautiful laugh, the innate pureness that defines her person.

I never thought I'd feel this way. Never thought myself capable – no, deserving – of this feeling of completeness, this unfathomable happiness that comes with caring for someone else.

But now that I've found it, I'm never letting go.

I lean forward to kiss her lips, unable to resist the urge anymore. She stirs in her sleep and opens her eyes, her lips curving into a sweet smile.

“Good morning,” she murmurs, her voice husky from sleep.

“Good morning, beautiful,” I reply, mesmerized by the warmth in her alluring brown eyes. “Sleep well?”

She nods, a crimson blush staining her lips. “I did. You look like you've been up for a while.”

“Yes, I…” I pause as a pungent odor reaches my nostrils.

“Something is smelling burnt,” London says, confirming my suspicion.

"Oh, damn!" I mutter, jumping up from my perch on the bed. "I think I burned the hash browns. I'll go check," I say before hurrying out of the door.

In the kitchen, I take out the burnt remains of what was supposed to be a perfectly golden brown plate of hash browns and dump it in the trash can with a defeated sigh.

London walks in shortly after I've opened all the kitchen windows. She's wearing one of my shirts: an oversized button-up that stops just above her knee. The sight of her in my shirt causes an instant stirring in my groin, one that makes me want to have her right there and then.

“You look so sexy in that, Miss Monroe,” I say, wrapping my arms around her waist to pull her body against mine.

She melts into my embrace, her mouth meeting mine in a long, searing kiss that robs us both of our breath. She pulls back, looking around with an amused smile.

I throw my head back with a mock groan. "I was going to make you the best breakfast you've ever had."

“I'm sure it would’ve been great, but don’t feel too bad. I like cooking for you.” She drops the dirty frying pan in the sink and starts pulling ingredients out of the fridge.

“Are you sure?”

“Of course. Feeding people makes me feel good. Productive. I used to want to be a chef.” She smiles, but there’s a sadness in her eyes.

“What's wrong, hun?”

“It's just… I can't believe you got up early to make me breakfast. These past few days have been like a dream, one that I don't deserve.”

“Why would you say that, London?” I ask, my chest tightening at the conviction in her eyes. “You're an amazing woman, and you deserve everything good.”

“That's not true,” she says, shaking her head slowly. “This has all been more than I ever could have hoped for, but I know it can’t last. Good things never do.”


"Don't try to pretend this is something real, Curt," she says, gently pulling out of my embrace. She starts to clear up the mess I made on the kitchen island, but I know it's an excuse to not look me in the eyes.

“You don't know me,” she continues in a small voice, her shoulders slumped with a weight that I hadn't noticed in the past few days since her arrival– one I hadn't allowed myself to see.

“You don't know what my life was like before here. It was horrible. Every time I’ve trusted someone, it’s ended in pain and betrayal. It's why I'm going to enjoy the days here no matter where it leads. I'm going to hold them close to my heart and cherish them forever. Because it's an escape from my reality.”

I place my hand gently on her shoulder to turn her around. She has tears in her eyes along with a deep sadness that sends a piercing pain through my heart.
