Page 47 of The Forces of Love

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“You really hate to see me win, don’t you?”

“It’s not over yet,” she said, kissing him.



They were at brunch. Because that was a thing they did now.

Mitch refused to hear no for an answer, though Sophie was so damn weak for him that she wouldn’t have protested even if she’d wanted to. Also, she loved mimosas. He should get used to that now if he was as serious as she was about the wholeboyfriendthing.

“I want this to be as clear as possible. This is a date, Sophie.”

It was, they both knew it. And this time, Sophie embraced the giddy fluttering of her heart. But when she opened her mouth to say so, Mitch raised his hand. “Nope, that wasn’t up for debate. It’s a date. Now eat your eggs.”

As she relaxed into her seat, Mitch was doing the opposite.

Mitch — goofy, laugh everything off Mitch — was twitching. Foot tapping, throat clearing, shoulder rolling, the whole shebang.

“Either you’re attempting to master the art of doing three things at once, or something’s wrong.”

She’d hoped for a smile. Instead, Mitch jolted in his seat. Okay, so they’d blasted right through concern into Bad Feeling, USA.

“Sophie.” He was uncharacteristically serious. “Did I push you into this?”


“Because it’s occurred to me that I might have.”

“Mitch.” She moved her chair closer. She realized now he was keeping his distance, and she wouldn’t stand for it. Not now. Not ever. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed this, but I’m a little stubborn.”

His lips quirked into a smile.

“And I need a little push sometimes. I like when you manhandle me.”

“Even into a relationship?”

“Hey.” Sophie got into his face, the same way she had in the elevator all those weeks ago, their noses inches apart. “Don’t forget who started this.” She brushed a kiss at the corner of his mouth but pulled back before it turned into more. He needed to know this was more than sex, so Sophie would need to use her words. It was an unfamiliar thing, and a skill she wasn’t all that adept at, but for Mitch, she’d try. “For the record, I’m glad you didn’t give up. I have no idea what I’m doing, and I won’t always get it right, but I’m all-in if you are. Just, bear with me, I guess.” She sat back but kept her attention locked firmly on him, one hand on his forearm. “It’s just…” She had to ask. Had to hear it for herself. “Are you sure?”

“Of course I’m sure. I’m never going to stop feeling this way about you. I want to tell you how beautiful you are every day without worrying that you’ll make a big deal of it. I want to take you out, to buy you all the damn crunchy peanut butter you damn well want, as long as I get to call you mine.”

Her heart stumbled in her chest. “What happens when I get mad? Because it happens a lot. Like when people walk too slowly and clog up the sidewalk, or when they say politically correct as if it’s a made-up term. Do you know how annoying it is when a guy won’t eat pussy? Or when they’re squeamish about their own spunk? Or how annoying boob sweat is? Very. It’s very annoying. And what are you going to do then?”

“I’ll be there for you in whatever way you need me. Want me to listen and nod while you vent? Done. Need me to write a strongly worded letter for you to pass out to annoying bystanders? Sure. I’ll even personally right the wrongs of every man who denied you head. I can start now, if you want.” He shimmied on his chair and rose, simultaneously pulling the tablecloth up like he was ready to slip under it.

The drama, honestly. She’d fallen for the most ridiculous man.

“Mitch, oh my god.” Sophie grabbed his arm and pushed him back into his chair, her face on fire. “I’m going to hold you to that, but at least wait until we’re back home.”

It was worth it to see him light up.

“See? Everything will be fine. You trust me, don’t you?”

God help her, she did.

Sophie understood seduction. Knew exactly how to tease, how to touch, to get what she wanted. Completely unknown to her, however, was dating. Romance. Forming an emotional connection. In the past, too many people had wasted her time with false promises. Pretenders who had taught her that hoping for more than an alleyway make-out session or a back seat blowjob were fool’s errands. And Sophie hated being played for a fool.

Mitch, though… they’d already desecrated every secure spot in the office, and yet he was still interested. Yeah, he got handsy with her constantly — Sophie wasn’t much better; the way he manhandled her made it impossible to not want it all the time — but he also wanted to talk. Get to know her. Brought her peanut butter. Probably wanted to hold her hand and separate their laundry together. Which was terrifying.
