Page 46 of The Forces of Love

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“The first time I saw Levi was at some kind of rally or event, maybe a fun run. There were people everywhere, and Mom was out talking to all the attendees. Shaking hands, getting to know them, all that. I got bored, so I wandered over to the playground and sat on the swing. I had to hop up to get on it, couldn’t even push myself. But I liked being away from all the fake smiles. Levi rocked up and kept me entertained.” Sophie shifted, closing the box and pushing it away. “Ever since, any time I’ve felt truly alone, I can think of him, and he’ll be there. Someone to sit with.”

“Someone you could trust to show up, no matter what.”

Sophie nodded. “Do you think there are more of them? That there’s a whole world of imaginary friends out there?”

“Maybe.” He gave her a lopsided smile. “The idea is kinda cool.”

“I wonder if they know each other.”

“Nowthatwould be wild.”

* * *


The impossible had happened. As Sophie had begun to drift off, Mitch had slid out of bed, just as he’d done most nights. But she’d stopped him. Tugged him back to her. Asked him to stay.

Outside, the sound of a car alarm was echoing through the street. It had been going for a while, and Mitch was seconds away from making a mad dash outside.

“Does that happen a lot around here?” Her hair tickled his nose as he spoke.

Sophie nodded. “At least once a night. Street parking is limited, so it’s probably just a car getting too close. Your precious Gisborne is perfectly safe.”

Mitch wasn’t so sure. His car wasn’t exactly a prime catch, but if anything happened to him, Mitch wouldn’t forgive himself. “He better be.”

Sophie flung an arm around his waist and hooked her ankle over his. “You’re in love with him. Admit it.”

“Nah, he knows I’m already spoken for.”

He draped his arms around her, letting his hands wander. There was a curve of skin just below her hip that cupped so perfectly in his palm. He rested his hand there, fingers curled. Heaven.

“It’s so hot in here. How do you get any sleep?”

“I have a trick for this.” Sophie shifted, pulling the sheet with her. And after a few seconds, the sound of thunder and rain erupted from her phone. She laid it face down and turned back. “That’ll play for ten hours.”

He closed his eyes, listened. It reminded him of winters so gray and wet he had to learn to brave them or risk never being outside again. And when a wave of cold air moved over his skin, he could swear he actually shivered. “Shit, that actually works.”

Sophie pulled his arms tighter around her and nuzzled into the crook of his neck. “I’m not just a pretty face.”

Mitch kissed his favorite spot below her ear, solely to hear her sigh sweetly. “Anyone who has ever thought that about you hasn’t paid enough attention.”

She turned in his arms and regarded him. “I don’t even want to remember what my life was like before I met you. You’ve changed me.”

Happiness overtook her face, cheeks rising to squeeze her eyes shut, grin bursting. And wow. It was a lot. Like a sun he’d forgotten breaking through a storm predicted to last another week. It was everything Mitch never knew he needed in life. He was pretty sure this was it, the big one, the be-all and end-all, top of the charts, earth-shattering, all-consuming… well.That.

Because Sophie was always beautiful. Enough to melt his brain at least seven times a day. But this? This was heart stopping.

He was so fucking screwed. And god help him, he wanted to be ruined.

* * *


“Finally, we’re getting somewhere.” Eva sighed in relief. They might just win this thing. “I believe that makes us even, husband.”

“Smooth move. But I’m still ahead by one.”

Eva rolled her eyes. “Cheating doesn’t count.”

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