Page 50 of The Forces of Love

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Sophie curled her hands around her mug, feeling the spark of conflict within her — hope and doubt dueling between breaths. But she wanted to change, wanted to believe Annette could be a good friend, and so, with a deep exhale, she pushed past her fears. “I could show you if you’re free after work. I’ve got everything we need.”

“I don’t need them to be super long or anything.”

“Trust me, there’s plenty we can do and keep them short. We don’t even have to go bold.”

“Uh, fuck that. I want all the glitter.”

Andthatshe could definitely work with. “How do you feel about holographic?”

“See? Now you’re talking.”

* * *


“So, uh, Annette and I hung out last night.”

“I have one question.”

Only the slight raise of one brow gave him the go-ahead.

“How mad are you? Push me over a bridge mad? Or hold it over my head forever but still talk to me mad? Because I’d like to at least tell my dad I love him first if it’s the bridge thing.”

“I’m not mad.”

Which meant it was the other thing. The worse one. The one thing no person on earth wanted someone they cared about to say to them.

“Please don’t say disappointed. That’s worse than mad.”

“Fine. I’m mad.”

“Oh, thank god.”

“I’m joking. I’m not upset. It was fun.”

He pulled her in by the loops of her pants. “Does that mean I was right?”

“If I say yes,” she asked, “will you promise to never bring it up again?”

“Not a chance,” he joked. This was better than the lottery. This was like finding out magic was real. Sophie was here, in his arms, smiling at him. And maybe, just maybe, he could have everything he wanted.

Of course, he had to open his big mouth and say that to her.

“That’s all you want, huh?” she asked, cocking a brow in challenge.

“I’m a straight-forward guy.”

She snorted. “Oh yeah, nothing odd about you at all.”

“You love me,” he teased.

This time, though, Sophie didn’t roll her eyes. She didn’t react at all, except for a pink flare that creeped up her neck.

Shit, shit, shit. Backtrack.

Sophie beat him to it. “Don’t let it get to your head.”

