Page 51 of The Forces of Love

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It was Mitch’s turn to stare blankly. Beneath the static of white noise rushing in his ears was the faint awareness of the way his heart was jumping in his chest.

“Soph, don’t joke about that,” said the idiot who had brought it up as a joke in the first place. Geez, he was such a hypocrite.

“I wouldn’t. Not about this. I—” She took a deep breath, caught his sleeve in her fingers, reeled herself in. “I love you.”

When his brain came back online, he wasn’t sure where to start. So he let instinct take over. He closed the gap and kissed her, pouring it all into the press of his mouth against hers. Then, because he couldn’t stop, he kissed the corner of her lips, her cheek, her nose, every inch of her face.

His overexcited heart skipped and swooped and pumped so hard he thought he might pass out. And sure, it’d be embarrassing, but as long as this wasn’t a dream, he could handle that.

Right now, he could handle anything. Fuck, let that dick Steve try something today. Mitch would “see attached response” his way to a second HR warning.

“You know, it was kind of inevitable, if you think about it,” he said when his tongue worked again.

In response, Sophie grumbled at him. Frustration wrinkled her nose.

Biting back a laugh, he cupped her face. He wanted to kiss her and never stop. And when she moved her hands to his hips as she searched his face, he released a breath.

“Obviously, you’ll need some support to get through this difficult time. I want you to know I’ll be here for you, whatever you need.”

She broke out into a grin that overtook her face, lighting him up in every way possible.


“Anytime.” He could stare into those big blues all day, every day.

Sophie hummed. “Big promise.”

It was a closed loop. Bed hair. Hickeys. It only made him want her more.

“I’m a man of my word.”

She kissed him sweetly, lips tentative where her grip was sure. As though she was still worried he’d slip through her fingers if she showed her hand.

“Again with the snappiness. Can’t you just let me enjoy this without making it weird?”

“You love it.”

Sophie groaned into Mitch’s neck.

He smiled. “And you love me.”

Her next words were muffled.

“What was that, babe?”

When she pinched his nipple, he let out a yap, then laughed.

“I said,” she growled, aggrieved; it was adorable, “I do love you.”

“I know.” He kissed her mouth.

“Also, you need to get a tux,” she murmured against his lips, “because you’re officially my plus-one.”

“To what?”

