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Immediately, I’m reminded of all the times my mother complained that a bomb had hit my room. Well, she should get a load of this.

Sixteen-year-old me has nothing on the destruction here.

Most of what is here—and there’s a lot—is half-smashed already. We’re given the rules again. Twenty minutes. During the last five, we’ll be given mugs and plates to throw around. For now, we can pick our weapon and take our frustrations out on the appliances in the room.

It’s a cemetery of toasters, televisions, printers. There are even a couple of VCRs in the corner.

Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised to see the glee in Bee’s eyes as she picks up a crowbar, and I definitely wasn’t expecting to get as turned on by the sight as I do, but of course she’d thrive here.

She’s Bee fucking Montgomery.



Love of my life.

It’s this thought that prompts me to grab the metal bat beside me and start swinging.

One hit for every time I heard him yell.

For forcing us out.

For not being the father he should have been.

For making me hate a part of myself and then expecting me to welcome him back.

For not being someone I can hate anymore.

On and on, an artery unclogged, my blood pumping thick and fast with every hit.

And it’s… freeing.

I’ve never felt a release like this before. Never known anger could transform into something good, something rewarding. I’ve only ever seen it as a weakness.

But with every care it removes, it pulls a little more at what’s really bothering me.

Not my father.

Not my anger.

The future.

Our future.

Or lack thereof.

A buzzer rings, marking the end of our time. Silently, I follow Bee out, back to the lockers where we peel off the overalls and deposit the gloves and glasses.

I can’t do this anymore if she isn’t all in. Since that first kiss, I’ve been telling myself I’d be okay if it was temporary, but that’s a lie. I want it all, and if Bee isn’t going to stick around, I need to end this now.

She’s seen every side of me, even the ones I’ve avoided seeing for myself, and she’s still here. But for how long?


I should be grateful she’s given me this much, but I’m selfish. Greedy, like my old man.

“Hey, it’s okay. Letting off a little steam every once in a while is a good thing. And way more enjoyable than running,” she jokes.

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