Page 10 of Unpretty

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“I would love to help,” I insist, rattling off the address.

We hang up and I look around. The itch to clean something takes over my body and I go to grab the mop to make sure the place is spotless. A spotless animal barn… sure.

Shoot, I didn’t even ask what type of animals he was bringing.Stupid Penny, messing up again.

Chapter Seven


“This fucking truck is a damn mess,” I grumble to the box of ducklings beside me. They stare up at me with their little yellow faces and slow-blinking eyes.

Leave it to my baby sister to have a spare truck as nice as this one, but never clean it out. There are wrappers, water bottles, and several dog bowls strewn about. Disgusting.

The drive between my place and Penny’s isn’t too long, but it’s felt like forever. Excitement zings through me at the prospect of seeing her again and I clench my sweaty palms against the wheel.

“Make a right here,” the annoying nav voice tells me. Here? There doesn’t seem to be anything besides trees. Squinting, I search the area until I spot a tiny dirt road. Okay… I turn and drive cautiously up the narrow, winding path. The trees seem to get closer together, tall and mighty, with wildflowers nestled below, hiding their deep roots.

My stomach gives a little flip as a house comes into view. It looks like a small cottage, white stone with a dark grey roof. There is ivy climbing up the walls and a little chimney perched on top. It looks like the kind of home you would see in a storybook, a sweet place nestled in the inviting, enchanted woods. The vehicle rumbles to a stop and I eagerly swing open the door to grab the ducklings, unable to contain myself.

When my father called this morning and mentioned the orphaned ducks, it seemed like the perfect excuse to see Penelope had fallen straight into my lap. Fate, huh?

Rapping my knuckles lightly on the wooden door, I can’t help but tap my fingers against the side of the box, waiting for her. Luckily for me, a moment later, the door swings open and her smiling face appears, stealing my breath away.

“Hi,” she grins shyly. “Come in.”

She steps back, allowing me into her home. It is bright and airy, with beautiful wooden floors and high ceilings. But I barely notice them, completely mesmerized by the sway of her hips in her little jean shorts. Her legs are tan, long, and begging to be wrapped around my waist.

“Hi, beautiful.” I bend down to give her a quick kiss, careful not to shift the box.

“Who do you have in there?” she queries, blushing ever so sweetly, and pushing her hair behind her ears. “Please, don’t have a snake. I don’t know much about them, though I guess I could learn.”

She moves further into the cottage until we reach the kitchen. She gestures at the table and I set the box down.

“Oh no, Little Bird, I think you will like these guys much better.” Penny moves closer to get a look inside, and her apple scent teases my nose, making me inhale deeply, drawing her into my lungs. I shift until our hips are touching, reaching out to caress the small of her back through her white tank top. Shestiffens with a little gasp, then relaxes under my hand.Yes, get used to these hands touching you.

My cock is hard and straining behind my zipper; I want to be inside her, taste her flavor explode over my tongue, feel her body tighten over my girth, and hear her shout my name when I make her come.

“Oh, my goodness! Ducklings.” She exclaims, fussing over the tiny creatures. She picks one up, cradling its yellow downy body against her cheek. Her honey eyes are glowing with warmth.

“I bet they would love the pond. Do you want a tour?” She asks, looking up at me with joy written across her face.

“Of course, I’m free all day.” I hear myself say.Liar, you have a billion things to do.But none of them are as important as being with Penny.

She opens her back door, and I am shocked by the enormous expanse of land. When I drove up I was wondering how she could have a rescue amidst the deep forest, but looking out at the vast fields, I am floored. There are two white horses out grazing in the lush green field. A large pond sits along one side with a little creek flowing into it. The smell of pine, fresh air, and wildflowers all mingle together, making it smell like home. I never want to leave.

“Let’s see if they are ready to swim,” she chirps.

“Sounds great. Want me to carry them over?” I ask.

“Sure.” She gently hands me the box, but as she walks away, I snag her hand, twining our fingers together. Her face breaks out in an enormous grin and she gives a little squeeze.

Her hand feels so small in mine, her soft skin is as smooth as silk, so I run my calloused thumb over her knuckles, causing electricity to arc between us. It takes mere moments before we reach the pond and I set the box beside it.

“They are so cute! What should we name them?” Penny chirps as she crouches down and begins scooping them from the box.I settle down beside her and help lay them on the grass at the water’s edge.

“Ummm,” I grunt, running my hand through my hair, unsure of what to suggest.

“Oh, there are seven of them! Hummm,” she considers them, brows furrowed and mouth pursed in thought. The little ducks begin waddling around and one gives a little sneeze that sends it toppling into the water.
