Page 9 of Unpretty

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We chat about nothing as we eat and laugh at the animals who act like tiny tornadoes; creating havoc in my office. I should be annoyed, but I have never felt happier in my life. Watching her eyes crinkle and her posture relax as we spend time together is the most rewarding experience of my life. All too soon we finish up and it’s time for her to get home.

I watch the red taillights on my truck until they are nothing more than a faint flicker as she heads off into the night. Reaching up, I rub at the spot on my chest right over my heart, knowing the ache will remain until I can see her again.

How soon can I see her again?

Chapter Six


Light filters through the blinds on my windows, illuminating the room in a soft glow as I slowly awaken. Stretching my body like a starfish across my bed, all the little aches from the previous day can be felt across my body.Oh, hiking.My lips feel a bit bruised, so I glide my fingers slowly across them, imagining Christian’s passionate kisses.

Glancing toward my bedside table, I consider taking out my bright pink BOB, but my eyes catch on the little clock. Shit. It’s already nine AM, I never sleep this late and the animals need to be fed before I begin work. Panic sets in as I leap out of bed and scurry over to my computer, tapping the keyboard to turn it on.

I log in and see that there aren’t any missed calls or emails. Phew. That was close, but working online has its perks. I hate being an accountant, and never really liked numbers, but my parents insisted I choose a quiet degree that I could complete virtually. Then they forced me to work from home indefinitely.

They said it was for my safety. Safety, my ass. Lizzy got to go to college, and she had no issues that weren’t of her own creation. They just wanted the world to forget that I existed, which is fine since I never liked the public eye. But it would have been nice to have friends, boyfriends… anything.

Sighing, I shake off the melancholy mood as I quickly dress and grab my laptop, heading straight out the door to see my animals.

The sun is shining, as birds trill and swoop from tree to tree across my yard. All the land is mine, as far as the eye can see. The enormous red barn, the beautiful blue pond, and acres of lush green fields. Bright butterflies dance from flower to flower;Good Morning, Gran.Watching them helps me feel her all around me and my mood brightens as I make my way toward the barn.

As I near the door, the stomping sound of the animals rustling about catches my attention. I reach forward, grabbing the shiny handle to pull it open and it slides easily, with just a little squeak. A cacophony erupts as the animals all realize I’m here to feed them. Always hungry.

“Good morning, my beauties,” I sing out. The animal rescue is still small. It’s only been open for a few weeks, but there are already four animals in residence. I plop my laptop on a wooden stool and increase the volume in case work calls—stupid job, I hate it, but it pays the bills. Making sure the computer won’t go crashing to the ground, I begin getting their breakfast together.

“Hello Chaos and Bacon,” I cheerfully call, opening the first stall. The little pig and goat were inseparable after last night’s adventure, so I let them sleep next to one another.

Chaos bleats, happily flicking his ears, before repeatedly bumping his head into my leg, asking me to put down his food; while Bacon zooms around the space, squealing in excitement. Placing their breakfast in the proper spot and making sure their water is full, I head over to feed Donald and Daisy, a pair of olderhorses that had been abandoned when their owner passed away suddenly.

My phone dings with the sound of an incoming text message.

Christian: Good Morning, Little Bird, are you awake yet?

Me: Good Morning.

Biting my lip, I wait for his reply. Nerves flutter in my stomach as three little dots appear, then disappear, then appear again. Holding my breath, I wait… and wait… and wait. Jumping when the phone begins to ring.

Oh, no. He’s calling. What do I do? What do I say? Who calls people?

I almost drop the phone as I try to slide my finger across the screen to answer.

“H-h-hello,” I stutter into it, then stop, struck mute.

“Good morning, Penny,” his deep voice rumbles, making my hands shake and my panties wet.

“Good morning,” I parrot again. What should I do? What should I say?

“Is my car already done? That is so fast,” I blurt, assuming he’s only calling me for professional reasons.

“I’m sorry, no, I just actually have a little problem I was hoping you could help me with,” he chuckles. The deep tone has my mind remembering the enormous ridge in his jeans from yesterday, which causes my core to slicken and pulse.

“It didn’t feel little to me.”

“What?” he questions.

“Oh, sorry, nothing… what did you need help with?” I cover quickly, embarrassment snaking up my spine.

“Well, I seem to have some animals in need of rescuing…” he trails off, and my heart thunders in my chest. He wants to come here, to the rescue.
