Page 3 of Unpretty

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“Kiernan, my name is Christian, I’m here to help you,” I call out again.

The soft noise reaches me again… it sounds like bleating… but that doesn’t make sense. None of the local wildlife should make that sound. Confused, I listen closely, attempting to locate it.

Placing one foot in front of the other, I wind down the narrow path, careful to avoid tripping on any roots or logs. There is a rustling in the leaves beside me, and I stop, peering around. A tiny chipmunk flies across my path. Upon seeing me, it stops and chitters loudly; giving me a scolding before continuing on its way.

Shrugging, I continue along the path, heading up the rise until I spot Lustre Lake. The beautiful blue water sparkles in the sunlight as tiny little waves lap along the sandy shore.

“Maaaaaa.” My head whips around, immediately spotting the source of the bleating.

Across the lake, a little brown and white spotted creature is frolicking. I scrub my hand over my eyes.

Is that … a goat?

Chapter Two


Grinning from ear to ear, I lift my hands toward the sky and spin. Around and around I go, swirling and twirling, until dizziness forces me to stop.

This. Place. Is. Amazing.

Deep cerulean water and a sandy shore, all surrounded by a lush green forest—I’ve never been anywhere as beautiful as Lustre Lake. The air is thick with the scent of pine trees, wildflowers, and fresh mountain air. Nearby, a waterfall cascades over enormous boulders, sending a steady hum through the area.

Gran always said this place was magical, and I’m so glad I’ve finally laid eyes on her special lake.Miss you Gran, wish you were here.I send my thoughts up to the sky, just as a bright yellow butterfly flits past. My heart swells as another joins it, spiraling through the air together like they are playing tag. Seeing them is like a warm hug; I know she’s here with me.

A tiny head butts into my shins. Bending at the waist, I reach down and pat Chaos’s blocky brown and white head. The baby goat looks up at me with his soulful brown eyes, dropping the squeaky pink ball at my feet. I swear he thinks he’s a dog.

It’s been a whirlwind since I rescued the little guy, and now I’m juggling a million tasks to get my animal sanctuary off the ground. Today was supposed to be spent getting to the feed store, but I was just so close I couldn’t pass up the chance to see the legendary lake. Plus, the shop will still be there in an hour.

I toss the ball for him a few more times when Chaos whirls around and takes off for the other end of the lake.


“Chaos, come back,” I yell, trying to follow him, but I am not a runner. With my short legs and thick thighs, it was never my thing, but now I push myself, trying to catch that silly goat.

Where the hell has he gone?

Panting and gasping, I spin around, searching the trees and water for him, until I finally spot the little brown and white terror—heading toward the biggest man I have ever seen.

My arms wave frantically, trying to get his attention, as I jog toward them. My breath is coming in rapid gasps, and I try to call out.

“Catch him!”

The last thing in the world I need is for Chaos to get lost in the brush, but it seems the little fluff ball has something else in mind…

My mouth gapes open in horror as the little goat seems to levitate off the ground, before promptly planting his feet in the man’s chest with a whopping kick that echoes around the lake.

“Oooph,” the man gusts out, as his arms wrap around Chaos.

Up close, the man is even larger than I originally thought. My tiny goat fits comfortably against his chest as he cradles it easily. His big hands gently stroke Chaos’s fur, and all I want isto feel them slide over my skin. He has tattoos that cover one arm, leading to a black t-shirt that fits him like a second skin. My eyes continue to scan his body, landing on the well-trimmed beard along his chiseled jaw. Little goosebumps break out all over as the presence of this man washes over me. I am so much smaller than him yet, when our eyes lock, I have never felt safer. As I gaze into his emerald green orbs, something electric sizzles between us and I gasp.

His nostrils flair and his jaw hardens; does he feel it too? I step closer, wanting to slide my hands over his skin. Dying to reach up and take the baseball cap from his head and plant a kiss on his lips.

“Rosie, what the hell?” he questions, stepping back and breaking the spell. The anger in his voice surprises me.

“I—I’m sorry,” I stutter out automatically. My brain scrambles to switch gears. “Who is…”

“Why would you bring a goat to the lake? What if a predator saw it?” He cuts me off, shaking his head. “And why are you up here playing around when we are all looking for a child?”
