Page 4 of Unpretty

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Well, I guess I misread the attraction between us. Clearly, it is all one-sided.Stupid Penny. Of course, he wasn’t interested; he was marveling at your idiocy.

A red flush works its way up my chest as mortification sinks like a stone into my belly. Eager to get out of there, I reach for the leash attached to my hip and step close to the man.

My skin prickles with awareness, and I breathe in his tantalizing, musky scent. My body naturally sways toward him, but I stiffen my spine and snap a lead onto Chaos’s collar. He glares at me the whole time. What a dick.

“I don’t know what child you’re talking about,” I murmur as I watch his muscles ripple when he sets my little goat on the ground.

“Are you serious, Rosie?” he grinds out, tugging on the bill of his hat, his eyes darkening in frustration.

Who is Rosie?

I open my mouth to ask him, but I quickly snap it shut. It doesn’t matter who she is and honestly, I just want to get away from his disapproving glare.

His phone buzzes in his pocket, and he immediately grabs it. Turning his back to me, he quickly answers and, with one last glance at his perfectly sculpted ass, I march back into the woods. There is no way I am going to stick around so this arrogant jerk—okay, hot arrogant jerk—can continue to scold me. Chaos follows cheerfully behind me and bleats happily as we fly down the mountain in record time.

Chapter Three


“We found him. You’re good to go home,” my brother, Tucker, grunts in my ear. He hangs up, not bothering to wait for my reply.

I shoot off a text to the guys.

Me: Head home. Kid found.

Shrugging, I turn back toward Rosie; but she’s not where I left her—and neither is the goat.

What the hell? Where did she go?

Shaking my head, I yank my baseball cap off and run my fingers through my hair before slipping it back on. Maybe I imagined the whole thing because right now nothing is adding up.

When Rosie came jogging up, Ifeltsomething. My cock felt something. And I couldn’t be more confused. She’s a stunner—and my sister Kenna’s best friend. Being only two years olderthan the twins, we’ve practically grown up together. I’ve seen her dressed up, wearing pajamas and even in a bikini—and not once, in all the years I’ve known her, has my cock stirred to life. She is a constant in my life, but suddenly I wanted to touch her, to taste her full pink lips. My hands ached to yank down her purple top and free her bouncing breasts.What the actual fuck?

Tilting my head back, I guzzle down some water and it slips over the sides of my mouth, splashing onto my shirt. I wipe it off and see some little white hair sprinkled all over my shirt. Okay—so the goat thing definitely happened.

My phone vibrates in my pocket again. Reading the message from my baby sister, I let out an enormous sigh.

Kenna: Heading to the parental units. Dad needs some help with the animals…

Me: No problem. Be there soon.

Pushing my strange reaction to Rosie aside, I head back toward my car.

My truck bounces along as I head up the dirt road to my parents’ house. The dips and bumps are as familiar to me as my hand, and I remember all the times the twins and I rode our bikes over them, pretending we were daring. When I finally make my way down the driveway, I can make out both of my siblings’ cars. Just to mess with them, I pull my giant truck behind their vehicles, boxing them in.

I rumble to a stop and leap from the cab, kicking up a slight dust cloud as I land. Smiling cheerfully, I take in my childhoodhome and our big red barn. Though I have my own place now, growing up here was like something out of a fairytale, and I always love to visit.

The gravel crunches under my toes as I bound up the few steps up to my parents’ front door. I quickly pull off my boots and leave them outside, according to Mama’s rules, as I step into the house.

The smells of fresh bread and barbeque reach my nose and my stomach rumbles. Following the mouthwatering scents, I head toward the kitchen where my mom is pulling biscuits out of the oven.

“Hey, Mom,” I greet her, as she places the tray on the counter and reaches her arms toward me.

“Christian,” she replies, embracing me as her face lights up. “Will you be able to stay for dinner?”

“Wouldn’t miss it. Do you need any help before I go out to Dad?”

“All good in here, but Kenna is doing something on the back porch so check with her before you head to the barn,” she gives me one last squeeze, laughing when my stomach growls. She grabs a fresh biscuit and tosses it to me as I go outside to see what my sister needs.
