Page 7 of Unpretty

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I take a few deep breaths, ground myself and reply.

“Yes, I’m so sorry. You’re totally right. I did call you.” My hands dangle limply at my side, and I quickly cross them over my body, giving myself a bit of a hug. It always comforted me as a child when I was having a rough day. Holding myself together as tightly as I can, I look out into the darkening night.

“Hey, it’s alright,” he croons; his voice hushed as though he’s talking to a frightened animal, and maybe right now, that’s exactly what I am. “Do you want to tell me what happened with your car?”

Glad to have something to focus on, I take a deep breath, swallow, and answer him.

“Oh sure, I was driving down the road after picking up Bacon…”

“Bacon?” his brows furrow.

“It’s my new miniature pig—not completely sure about the name though… Anyway, the engine started making a funny noise, then smoke started pouring out. Of course, I pulled over to the side, wanting to get the animals out in case it went up in flames, but the second I turned off the car the smoke stopped. I waited a bit, then tried to turn it on again, but the car wouldn’t start. So, I called the nearest towing company.” Shrugging, I hug myself tighter, waiting for angry words and condemnation to spew from his mouth.

“Well, I’m glad you called, and I’m happy to get a chance to see you again,” he replies.


My brain feels sluggish as it tries to catch up. This Adonis of a man is happy to see me? Piggy Penny?

“Here, let me help you, Chaos, and Bacon into my truck, and then I will hook up the tow.” He reaches into the back seat, hauling Chaos into his arms as I rush around the passenger side to grab the pig’s box. She gives a little squeal of surprise before ducking back under the blanket as I hustle to the truck.

The man has already gotten my goat settled and he reaches out to take my clunky load. As I pass it to him, our hands graze and that same spark from earlier ignites and leaves me speechless.

“I’m Christian, by the way,” he smiles. “Hop on in. I’m going to need to get in front of your car so I can hitch it up.”

Say something…

We’ve been driving for a while now, and the silence is killing me.

“I’m Penny,” I blurt out suddenly; unable to take it anymore.

He glances toward me, a huge smile lighting up his face, revealing perfect white teeth. Even though it’s dark in his truck, the vivid emerald green of his eyes remains firmly etched in my memory, and his attention sends a pulse straight to my core.

“It’s nice to meet you, Penny,” he rumbles cheerfully.

“Why did you call me Rosie? You know… on the mountain?” I probe, unable to stop myself. It had been bothering me all day.

He lets out a deep chuckle.

“Honestly, I mistook you for my sister’s best friend. Her name is Rosie, and you look very similar. It’s uncanny,” he shakes his head, then continues, “But you’re not, and I want to apologize for the way I spoke to you earlier.”

The truck gives a little bounce and he reaches over with his hand, gripping my thigh. The heat from his palm warms my leg and soothes my nerves. Filled with an unusual spurt of confidence, I place my hand over his. I’m rewarded when he gives my knee a quick squeeze.

“It’s okay. I was doing something stupid. I just didn’t know,” I murmur.

“It wasn’t, I overreacted. So, tell me about the goat and the pig. Why do you have them? Are you starting a farm?” he asks, clearly ready to move forward and change the subject.

All too happy to leave the past behind, I begin to share.

“Well, my grandmother passed away,” I start.

“Sorry to hear that.”

“Thank you. She was absolutely the most amazing person and when she died, she left me a large plot of land with a small home. I’ve always wanted to start an animal rescue, and her gift gave me the perfect place to start fresh.” I break off, not wanting to give away anything more about my family.

“That’s a noble thing to do.” He gives my leg another squeeze, and I wish his hand was higher.

“Not noble. I just like animals more than people,” I quip before snapping my mouth shut.
