Page 8 of Unpretty

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Just at that moment, we pull into a big parking lot with a building marked simply, ‘Andersen’s’.

“Well,” he says, backing my car into a garage, “let’s see what’s going on with your car.”

Chapter Five


“Well, her car is fucked, and I don’t want to tell her,” I groan, grimacing at Trey while massaging my temples. It’s after hours, but when he heard the tow truck drive up my head mechanic came down from his apartment above the garage to offer help.

“I can go talk to the pretty lady if you want,” he grins at me.

My jaw clenches so hard that it’s shocking I don’t break a tooth.

“I’ve got it,” I growl, stomping down the hallway toward my office where I set her up with a bunch of snacks.

“Bad news is better with food in your stomach,” he shouts at my back.

Well, that’s actually a damn good idea, so I slide my phone out of my back pocket and place a quick order at the local pizza place.

As the door slides open she looks up and, once again, I fall into the depths of her honey-brown eyes. How could I have mistaken her for Rosie? Unable to stop, my feet bring me close enough for her apple scent to invade my nose. Penny is sitting on the ground, with a pig in her lap and a goat at her side, and I swear she is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. She has an air of fragility and innocence to her and, if I make another mistake, I worry she will fly away again. Luckily, this time when she sees me there is no wariness in her eyes, just a tired smile pulling at her rosebud lips.

My arms flex, wanting to pull her into me, but instead, I sit next to her on the ground; shoulders brushing, knees touching.

“Well, I have some news,” I announce, regret clear in my tone. Penny’s face goes white and unshed tears glisten in her luminous eyes. Fuck, I cannot make her cry. Not again.

“Oh, little bird, it’s all going to be okay. I can fix it. I will fix it. You’re just going to need to wait for me to get some parts.”Okay, apparently I’m going to fix her steaming pile of shit car. Where did that promise come from?

“You are? You can?” Excitement flits across her face. Even though fixing that mess is going to cost me a ridiculous amount of money, not to mention time, getting to see more of her is all I want. Before I know it, she springs into my arms and nothing has ever felt so right.

My hand skims up her back, slowly tracing her luscious curves before gathering her thick hair in my fist. Giving it a sharp tug, I tilt her head back and crash our lips together. My cock pounds behind my zipper as I plunder her mouth. She tastes like candied apples and sin—I will never get enough.

Our first kiss…but not the last.

The tiny pig is now running around my office, but none of that matters as I reach for the hem of her shirt, needing to get my hands on any skin possible. Our breath intertwines and she lets out the hottest little whimper as I slide my finger under the material. Her olive skin is smooth and soft; I want to feast on her. But as my hand slides higher, she grabs my wrist; stopping me instantly. Pulling back, I can see the uncertainty clearly written on her face. Too fast, too soon.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

The sudden knock on the door has her flinging herself away from me, landing all the way across the room.

Quirking my brow at her, I can’t help but chuckle as she turns bright red, busying herself with straightening her barely mussed clothing. Watching her smooth her shirt down, I can’t help the growl that rumbles up my throat. I just want to rumple her again.She’s so fucking cute.

Unfolding myself, I get off the floor and answer the door, angling my body so that no one can see Penny. The pizza has been placed on a tool bench and, thankfully, there isn’t a person in sight. I grab it, and the scents of cheese and tomato permeate the room. Kicking the door closed behind me, I place the food on the desk, smiling as Chaos comes rushing over to inspect the box.

“Hungry?” I ask, willing my little bird to look at me. She is still fussing with her clothing and hair, so I move toward her, reaching forward and rubbing her arms up and down soothingly. She finally tilts her head toward mine, and I can’t help but give her a quick kiss.

“Come, grab a slice with me,” I request.

“It’s okay. You’ve already done so much for me today. And I need to get the animals back home. I can just call a cab and get out of your hair so you can enjoy your dinner,” she says, just asher stomach gives a loud. I didn’t think it was possible for her to turn a darker shade of red, but they turn molten.

So. Damn. Cute.

“Please, eat with me, then I’ll get you set up with a loaner vehicle. We’ll shift all the stuff in your car over to the new one and then you can get Chaos and Bacon home for the night.” Hearing the words tumble from my mouth, I am, once again, shocked. What loaner car?

But before the question even fully presents itself—I know that I’m going to be sending her off in my truck. She needs a safe, dependable vehicle, so I’m going to give her mine. Maybe I can borrow Kenna’s old, spare truck for a while. Hell, I may just buy a new truck and let her keep it. I don’t care as long as my little bird is safe.

“Are you sure?” she asks, looking down at the little goat who is currently chewing on my desk. Freaking hellion.

“Completely,” I reassure her, opening the box and passing her a slice. She bites into the warm dough, emitting a sensual moan that has my cock hardening immediately. I barely taste my food, so enraptured by watching her eat hers.

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