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“What are you doing in my flat?” She tossed her phone into her bedroom, presumably onto the bed and placed her arm over her breasts and her hand covering her crotch. A bit late, but I got the message. I turned my back to appear a little chivalrous.

“I came to see how you were. You’ve not been around for two weeks, I wanted to make sure you’re all right,” I said, glancing over my shoulder. Adaline had retrieved a towel which she wrapped around her body, much to my disappointment. She was standing behind me. I wasn’t sure what I thought she would do. Jump into my arms would be a great start.

“What did you say?” She asked me.

Turning to face her I said, “I wanted to check you were ok, Elliott said you were fine, but I was worried, I missed you.”

I willed my erection to go down and my hands to stay where they were. I wanted to tug the towel away and back her into the bedroom.

“I’m fine. I’ve been in Canada for a job. So you missed me, huh?” She grinned.

“As strange as it sounds, yes I did. I thought your invitation to make you dinner would be permanent. You missed out on a delicious pasta dish the night you disappeared.”

She adjusted her towel, which made me look at her breasts spilling over the top of her towel.

“Eyes up here,” she said lifting my chin with a single finger. “Let me take a shower, and I’ll come to yours to see what you’ve done with the place.”

Without letting me answer her, she stalked off to the bathroom and slammed the door. I trudged back to my flat with my tail between my legs when Scottie took one look at me.

“What did you do?” He asked me.

“I saw her naked,” I confessed. I dropped my head into my hands.

“That was fast work, well done,” he said while he tightened the screw, stepped down from the ladder, and checked the pole was level.

“It wasn’t like that. I caught her getting ready for a shower.”

“Oh, so that was why I heard a scream.” Scottie laughed as he patted my shoulder.

“I can’t cope with this, Scottie, how do I make a move on a woman like her?”

Scottie chuckled as he took the curtains to hang them. I couldn’t believe I was asking an eighteen-year-old for advice.

“All I can tell you is that women like to be wooed and chased. I have only one experience of this I should add. I met my girlfriend when I was eleven. We shared a packet of salt and vinegar crisps one afternoon after someone had pushed the fire alarm button. We were, for most of the time, inseparable. There was a time when we had a break, but I never looked at another girl. She was the one for me, and I spent the entire three weeks we were apart convincing her we should be together forever.”

He finished his speech as he stepped down from the steps and surveyed his work. The cream curtains dropped to the floor, he had measured the pole and the drop correctly.

“What do you think I should do?” I asked.

“Ask her out on a date. You need to know if she’s interested. If she’s not, then at least you know where you stand. It’ll be horrendously awkward, but at least you’ll know.”

“Great advice, Scottie, just what I needed,” I said. I sulked at his answer, I knew he was right, but I couldn’t cope with the answer if she said no. I needed her to say yes.

“She got up at stupid o’clock to come to the beach to watch you train, she’s interested. You need to get her to admit it without scaring her off. Adaline is scared that you’re not interested in her once you know what her problem is.”

“What exactly is her problem, Scottie? You’ve been vague and cryptic, can’t you tell me?”

“I think Adaline should tell you. I have my suspicions. If I’m right then, she wouldn’t want me to tell you.”

“Can you at least give me a clue?”


I sat on the floor looking at my living room, trying to figure out what Scottie was not telling me. I wouldn’t find it on my painted walls. I’d need to ask her out and then when she said no, grill her until she told me why. She finds me attractive, this I know. She likes my company, and she laughs at my lame jokes. She stares at my mouth all evening, it’s got to be a sign she imagines what it would be like to kiss me. I made a promise to myself that I would ask her tonight, I’d invite her to the place across the road that had a local band playing. We could get tacos first.

With that decided, I stood in triumph and sent Scottie home early.

