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With Scottie gone, I stripped and stepped into the shower to wash away the day’s grime. Adaline’s naked body came into my mind. I’d imagined her soft skin many times while she was away, how it would feel to touch her. I grew hard thinking of her bare pussy. Thinking of the soft skin again, I took my cock in my hand and slowly stroked until I was erect. My fantasy of tasting her, my head between her thighs drove my orgasm. I tugged as I thought about my tongue touching her clit, swirling and teasing as her moans filled the air. My balls tightened at the same time as small pins and needles hit the bottom of my spine. This orgasm was fast, it always was when I thought of Adaline, naked. I hoped that if I got the chance to fuck her, I’d last longer than three minutes.

I washed off my orgasm and the grime, soaping my body, wishing it was Adaline’s hands on my torso. When my fingertips shrivelled, I hooked the shower head back in its cradle and opened the shower door. As I stepped out, my heart fell to my feet.

“That was the hottest thing I have ever seen in my life,” Adaline said. She was eating a granny smith apple, leaning against the radiator opposite the shower cubicle.

“What are you doing in my bathroom?” I asked, I was dripping wet and couldn’t move to grab a towel. I was naked, getting hard and Adaline could see.

“You saw me naked, it’s only fair,” she said. Adaline threw the apple core in the bin and handed me a towel. She kept hold of it while she took a full look at my body. Adaline tried to act cool, but her cheeks were rosy and there was no mistaking the lust in her eyes.

She wanted me as much as I wanted her. Was she waiting for me to make the first move?

“I didn’t expect a show too,” she said and let go of the towel.

There was no denying what I did, so I brazened it out.

“You should have joined me if you liked what you saw.”

Her eyes widened a fraction, and she pressed her lips together. She had considered it, and I had called her out on it. She stuttered without finishing a single word and then high tailed it out of my bathroom. I heard her leave via the living room doors and into her own flat. She hadn’t closed the doors. I hoped that meant we still could have dinner and resume our routine.

While I dried off and dressed, I put what had happened out of my mind. It was nearing four in the afternoon, and I needed to get one last ingredient for the pesto to go with dinner. I came onto the veranda and stood at Adaline doors calling her name as I approached. She was sitting on the sofa chatting in Chinese on her laptop. She seemed intense, with her brows furrowed and her spare hand making emphatic hand gestures. Her rapid speech made it tricky to keep up with what she was saying. My Chinese was rusty. She darted her eyes and raised her shoulders to ask what I wanted. I typed out a message on my phone notepad and showed it to her. She kept on talking about a magazine but read the message. She raised her thumb and nodded. I asked if we were having dinner and should I cook.

Delighted that we would spend the evening together, I left her to it. We ate at six and dinner would take an hour to prepare and cook. I left my flat and headed to the market to buy a basil plant. In my doom and gloom misery over the last two weeks, I’d forgotten to water Basil my plant, and it had withered and died. I needed more basil to make the pesto sauce and still freeze some.


I continued to cook in her kitchen, which was only a problem when she disappeared for two weeks. I had to buy another set of pots, pans and crockery for my kitchen. At least this way she now had cooking utensils. It didn’t matter where we had dinner, I had what I needed.

She shuffled off to the veranda. The sun had set hours ago, but it was a warm night. She had on her sexy vest top and cute short shorts. Her tanned legs stretched out in front of her as she wiggled her bottom into the bean bag. She’d stolen the bean bag from my side of the veranda. Scottie had impulse bought it for me with my credit card when he got the TV. Adaline had dragged it across as soon as she saw it. The large blue bag rested against the wall in the corner with an upturned plant pot next to her for her half-finished glass of wine. The plant pot that had once separated our veranda had a new purpose.

She looked comfortable, relaxed while I pottered about in her kitchen.

Adaline took the cork board out from the side of the chair and rested it on her knees. The large board covered in paper and drawing pins of different colours amused me. Adaline carefully unpinned a piece of paper and then placed it on another part of the board. The force of the pin going into the board gave me the impression she was using it as a voodoo doll. Especially when she pinned the same piece of paper over and over again. I made us coffee and brought it outside, placing hers on her plant pot and mine on the table. I took up residence on the chair overlooking Adaline.

She referred from her laptop to the cork board, moving pins around. We sat in silence, the backdrop music was Brighton’s nightlife. Happy, drunk people moving from pub to pub. Adaline continued to tab through the emails on her laptop and refer to the board.

“For the love of God, I hate that woman,” Adaline cursed and slammed the lid of the laptop.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, taking the board from her and lying it on the table. She took her wine glass and finished it in two gulps.

“The Chairwoman of the charity is the devil in disguise. Her constant changes are driving me insane. The menu choices, the guests, the seating plan, the list goes on. Constant changes. I don’t know why she doesn’t just organise it herself.”

Adaline was spitting feathers, but her body remained calm. Her head rested against the bricks with her legs stretched out before her. She crossed and then uncrossed her ankles while she spoke.

“Maybe she doesn’t know how to, and that’s why they hired you,” I offer as an answer. I wasn’t particularly happy that she called the chairwoman a devil, but then I didn’t know the first thing about organising an event.

“Then she should leave it to me. I have guests coming directly to me and then messages from devil woman that contradict what the person wanted. There are more pin holes in this board than a sieve.”

“You know what a sieve is?” I said to inject humour into her venomous rant.

“Don’t get cute. Knowing what stuff is and using it are two different things,” she huffed as she stood, taking her glass into the kitchen and refilling it. The bottle was all for her as I needed to have a clear head for the triathlon in two weeks time.

She sat back down on the bean bag and took the board back from the table. Opening the laptop, she scrolled a few more emails and then gave up again.

“What time are we leaving for the beach in the morning?” She asked.

“About half five, we can cycle. I’ve got my bike in the back yard, I hope that’s ok?”

“Yeah, that’s fine. I’m heading to bed, I’ll be ready to go in the morning.” She said.
