Page 51 of Needing Shianne

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The door to the family room opened and a nurse entered. "You can go in and meet your new family member."

He squeezed Shianne's hand. Her head popped up. "Is he or she here?"

He chuckled. "Yes. We can go meet him or her."

"Oh my gosh. Oh, wow." She stood and stretched.

His parents stood and were already walking to the door. His mom was excited, no way was he going to get in her way.

He took Shianne's hand, and they followed his parents out the door and down the corridor. His mom knocked on the door to Maya's room. "Come in."

They stepped into the room. His sister lay in her bed, a small baby in her arms. Her hair was sweaty, her face blotchy and red. But, she had the most beautiful smile on her face. Myles' heart skipped a beat.

Maya looked at Jasiah, who lay next to her on the bed, his arm around Maya's shoulders. "We'd like to introduce you to Richard Gerard Weston."

His mom let out a sob and neared the bed to meet her grandson. Myles' eyes watered and his heart beat so fast it was nearly painful. He swallowed the lump in his throat. Shianne squeezed his hand, and he looked down at her, she had tears in her eyes as well.

His mom kissed Maya's forehead and ran the back of her forefinger across Richard's cheek. Her voice cracked when she said, "You named him after your grandfather and Jasiah's father?"

"Yes." The door opened and Jasiah's mom slowly entered the room. Her eyes landed on Jasiah, and he waved her over.

"Come and meet your grandson."

"Grandson." His mom walked to the side of the bed where Jasiah lay with his family. His hand reached out and pulled her near. He kissed her forehead, then beamed at her. "Richard Gerard Weston."

She sobbed and covered her mouth with her hands. "Oh." She swallowed as the tears fell from her eyes. "He'd be so proud."

Jasiah's eyes watered too. His mom leaned in and kissed his cheek. "I'm so happy for you." She leaned over Jasiah slightly and ran the backs of her fingers down Maya's cheek. "And you as well Maya. How do you feel?"

Maya smiled. "Tired. Happy. Sore. But, mostly, I'm proud. He's perfect."


Maya looked over at Jasiah. "Do you want to hold your son?"

His voice broke when he answered. "Yes."

He gently took his son from Maya's arms and Maya hugged her mom around the neck.

The next hour was a flurry of hugs, holding the baby, taking pictures, and laughter. Every time Richard cried or stretched or moved, everyone was enamored even more with the little guy.

Shianne was quiet most of the time. She took in all of the activity. She smiled and cried when everyone else did, but she remained unusually quiet.

He leaned over to her. "Are you ready to go home? It's one in the morning."

"I am. But I don't want to take you away from your family before you're ready."

He smiled. "I'm ready."

"Okay." He stood and pulled her to her feet.

"Oh, wait." She had set her wrapped package down earlier on the windowsill. She stepped over to grab it now and carried it to Maya. His mom wasn't giving Richard up that easily. Though she did share with Jasiah's mom.

"This is from Myles and I."

Maya smiled. "Thank you, Shianne." Maya grinned as she glanced at Myles. “And Myles.”

Ripping the wrapping paper open she pulled at the tape on the box and froze when she saw the name Weston quilted on a hanging banner. Pulling it from the box, it was a pretty forest green banner with a tiny floral pattern, and in red, Weston was quilted across the top. It was six feet tall when held up. Jasiah did the honors.
