Page 59 of Needing Shianne

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The weather was much warmer here in Florida than it had been at home. The rental car they got was a convertible. Shianne's hair blew free, the smile on her face was perfection and he couldn't believe his luck.

Turning off the highway onto Main Street in Blossom Springs.

"So Jace has a place for us to stay?"

"Yep. On the beach."

"Wow. That sounds so awesome."

Myles chuckled. "It does. Don't you remember me telling you this?"

"No. I was feverishly planning a wedding."

He picked up her hand and kissed her fingers. Her diamond glinted brightly in the sun, and he had to admit, he was proud every time he looked at her hands and saw her wearing his rings.

"You did an amazing job too. Look at us, we're married."

She laughed. "We are." She looked his way. "I do feel guilty about leaving right away and making everyone else clean up the hall and all the mess."

"I don't feel guilty at all."

She swatted his arm, but there was no teeth in it. He turned onto Noble Road and there it was: Sarge's Sandbar and Tiki Hut.

Shianne sat up and stared out the windshield. "Wow. It's smaller than I thought."

He chuckled. "Don't tell Jace that. He has big plans."

Shianne turned to him. "I hope he has some stories about my husband."

Myles shook his head. "There aren't any."

"I call bullshit."

He parked the Mustang in front of the bar and hopped out. Opening Shianne's door, he reached in and took her hand in his. They strutted together into the bar. The inside was dark as soon as the door closed, and he stood still until his eyes adjusted. Soon enough, he moved them toward the bar. There were beach memorabilia smattered on the walls. Grass skirts, coconut bras, and a broken surfboard hung on one wall. There were faded beer signs and posters above the bar.

A man entered from a back room, carrying a case of beer and plopped it on the bar. He looked over at them and his smile grew across his face.

"Myles Sager. Holy shit! Finally."

He rushed around the bar and Myles moved toward him. His friend Jace Marriott wrapped beefy arms around him and hugged him tightly. "So good to see you, Myles."

"It's good to see you too, Jace."

They looked into each other's eyes for a long time. "You look good." Jace laughed.

Myles turned and pulled Shianne forward. "It's because of her. Jace Marriott, meet my wife, Shianne Sager."

Jace pulled her forward abruptly and hugged her. "It's nice to meet you Shianne." Jace pulled back. "Man, Myles, you found yourself a stunner."

His heart warmed. He had, of course, but it felt good to hear his friends tell him that too.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Shianne. Let me give you the tour."

Jace turned and held his arms out. "This is the bar."

Myles laughed. "Awesome tour."
