Page 60 of Needing Shianne

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"Well, for right now, this is what we have. But Quinn Kurtz is coming in next month to start making changes. We're knocking out that wall there, and adding square footage, a wall of windows to let the sunshine in and allow guests to watch the water. Then, there'll be a large deck with tables out there for outdoor dining."


"Right. Then, there will be a tiki bar out back so all the people partying on the sandbar can walk up and buy drinks."

"Wow. Great plans," Shianne added.

"Thanks. So, let me show you your condo. These will be renovated too. So, sorry for how they are now, they're clean, just not a lot of personality. But, come back later this year and you'll love what you see."

"I'm sure it will be fine." Myles slapped his friend on the back, then took Shianne's hand as they stepped out the back door. They immediately stood on sand.

Out in the sunshine, Jace was fully tanned, still tall and lean. He clearly worked out. His muscles bulged as they walked. He wore a tank top and shorts and flip flops. Myles chuckled. "Man, I've never seen you wear flip flops."

"Fuck, that's all I wear these days. Sometimes tennis shoes if we have a busy day in the bar. But, otherwise, man it's all about the beach life these days.”

They stopped at the second condo away from the bar and Jace pulled a key from his pocket and opened the door. He handed the key to Myles, then pushed the door open. "Welcome home."

Myles took Shianne's hand again and stepped through what felt like a portal to the nineteen fifties. The furniture was old. The table against the wall had chrome legs and red vinyl chairs. The dresser looked like something his grandmother, Pelar had in her house, and he chuckled.

"You should just play fifties music when people are here, and it would be retro."

Jace laughed. "Right?" He looked around. "It's clean, I promise. It's just old. But you're welcome to stay as long as you want, it's all on the house. It's my wedding gift to you."

"Thanks, Jace." Myles nodded to his friend.

Jace saluted him, then stepped outside. "Once you've unpacked, come back to the bar and I'll whip you up something to eat. Sunset is around six tonight. We'll sit out on the beach and watch the sun go down."

"Sounds great. We'll see you in a bit."

Jace left and he turned to Shianne. Her brows rose into her bangs, and he laughed. "We can go someplace else."

"No. I wouldn't want to hurt his feelings. It's part of our honeymoon story."

He wrapped his arms around Shianne and kissed her soft lips. "I love you," he whispered between kisses.

"I love you too," she whispered back.

