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“Because one of his people will come forward to take his place,” George replied. “I want his entire organization, not just him. Because he’s got help, and I want to know who it is. And I want to know who he is, why he’s not challenged me like any other Rogue would’ve done.”

“And if he wins?” Rispah wanted to know, her brown eyes worried.

“If he wins, then I don’t deserve to be master here.” George’s face was grim. “If he wins, I’ve no guarantees he won’t betray every one of us to my Lord Provost, or someone worse, because I don’t know what he wants. Where he is placed now, he can rule us or destroy us. Do any of you care to wager which it is?” There was no answer; he really didn’t expect one. “You all know what to do and where to ask your questions, then. As soon as the passes open eastward, I’ll send someone to find out what he was in Galla before he came to us.”

Thom, Lord of Trebond, and the youngest living Mithran Initiate, poured a glass of wine for his guest, a mocking smile on his lips. “You can’t imagine what a pleasure it is for me to have my sister’s—friend—come to visit,” he said. “Particularly when it may be as much as your head is worth to be seen here, in the palace.”

“Why not call me Alanna’s lover, and be honest about it?” George suggested. The purple and gold brocade robe Thom wore over his stark black shirt and hose hurt the eyes; its cost would have fed a poor commoner and his family for a year. “As it is, I have a number of things I care to discuss with you. I couldn’t be waitin’ for your next excursion into the city to meet you.”

“Particularly since I never go to the city,” Thom agreed. “So Alanna has returned to the desert, with the devoted Coram in tow. How selfless of her. Unless she was afraid Jonathan might convince her to take back her refusal? She needn’t have worried; he’s very much occupied with Princess Josiane these days.”

George stared at Thom. If my lass had made no friends, only enemies, he thought, and if she’d been too frightened to let others know she was a human bein’, disguise and all, she might well have turned out like this monster. He’s all brain and cynicism now, with no heart left to him. “Well, you’re a nasty bit of work, aren’t you?” he remarked amiably. “Why don’t we talk of your goin’s-on here durin’ All Hallow?”

A look of grudging respect entered Thom’s violet eyes. “I’m sure I told Alanna and you I was working on experiments.”

George made a disgusted face. “And I’m sure it was no such thing. Didn’t you feel my mother testin’ your guardin’-spells? Or were so many tryin’ to learn what you were up to that you took no notice of those left half-dead?”

“I felt someone test the ward,” Thom admitted. “But I was—busy. I’m sorry it was your mother who was harmed, but she had no business prying into that kind of magic. She’s fortunate to be alive.”

“Glad you think so. And what experiments are so important that you must put such spells to protect them?” When Thom didn’t answer, George pressed, “Who were you tryin’ to raise from the dead?”

Thom jumped to his feet, the mocking expression wiped from his face. “You dare to question me, George Cooper?” he yelled, fury radiating from him in waves. “Your relationship with my sister means nothing here, so do not think to try my patience!”

George stood, his hazel eyes grim. “Don’t think to threaten me, laddy,” he warned softly. “I won’t stand for it.”

“I have nothing more to say to you,” Thom gritted. “Get out.”

“I’ll take my leave, then,” George replied. “But I don’t need my Sight to tell me you’re in trouble, great sorcerer or no.” He hesitated, then said wryly, “Doubtless I’ll live to regret this, but for your sister’s sake you may call on me in need.”

Thom drew himself up. “I am more than able to handle my own affairs.”

“Is that why you’re shakin’ so?” George inquired. “Best have a shot of brandy to steady your nerves, my lord. I’d hate to think there was anythin’ in this world of ours could be beyond the skills of one such as yourself.” Bowing mockingly, he left Thom.

And there’s not a thing I can do or say, until I know what’s ridin’ him like the Old Hag of the Graveyards, the thief told himself grimly as he slipped out of the palace. But I’ll bet every knife I own he’s gotten himself into trouble that won’t easily be fixed.

George smiled. Trouble with the Rogue, trouble with Thom. The future looked exciting. At least he wouldn’t be bored. And as long as he kept his wits about him—it was good to be back in Corus.



IN A WAY IT WAS DISAPPOINTING FOR ALANNA to find the Bloody Hawk had done very well for themselves in her absence. No problems had arisen that Kara and Kourrem could not handle with Umar Komm’s advice. The school for sorcerers was learning the many forms of fire-magic, something Alanna had explored as far as she wanted to. She diverted the shamans for an afternoon to the problem of Lightning (which remained broken despite all the spells she tried), but their efforts to repair it came to nothing. The last try blew down several tents and brought Halef Seif to command them to stop while within the village precincts.

Discouraged, Alanna often went riding alone, deliberately returning after sunset to avoid the moment they joined with the Voice of the Tribes. She only missed Jon at those times. She missed George with a sullen ache that refused to go away, because of all people George made her laugh.

She was grooming Moonlight after one ride, wondering what she would do now, when Halef Seif found her.

“You are restless,” he commented. “What troubles you?”

Putting her mare’s combs away, she replied, “Did you know six days ago I celebrated my first year as a knight?”

“Coram mentioned it,” the headman admitted.

“Anniversaries make me think. I’ve been remembering all that’s happened since I won my shield.” Falling into step together, they walked toward the hill overlooking the village.

“You slew the Sorcerer-Duke.”

“You know, Halef Seif, I don’t dream about that much anymore. Maybe it was a waste, and I acted too quickly, but it’s over. So much has gone on since then. I came here, I met you and Kara and Kourrem—”

“Ishak also,” he reminded her as they slowly climbed the hill.

Alanna nodded; her mouth twisted sadly. “I guess what happened to Ishak taught me I can’t punish myself for things that are over and done. After all, I had to get on with teaching Kara and Kourrem, not with mourning him. And I’m proud of the girls.”

“They are pupils to make any shaman proud. Any tribe, for that matter.” At the hill’s summit, he bowed, indicating a flat-topped rock was to be her seat. Alanna laughed and dusted it off, noticing the blackened spots around it from the magic she had worked here with her apprentices, and the scorch-marks left by Jon

athan’s Rite of the Voice. She sat, and Halef Seif knelt beside her, watching the village.

“You know, it’s funny—I’ve learned more about other women since coming here than I ever did before. Pages and squires don’t spend much time with women, and besides—” She grinned. “I was notoriously shy when it came to girls.”

Halef chuckled. “And so you’ve discovered you like your own sex?”

“How can I not like other women?” Alanna inquired. “Particularly after knowing Kara and Kourrem and Mari Fahrar and Farda? I don’t feel nearly as odd about being female as I did before I came here.”

“But now you must be moving on?” he asked gently.

“I hate it when I’m not doing something useful,” she admitted. “After spending all those years studying things or performing duties around the palace, I’ve gotten into the habit of working. With Kara and Kourrem doing so well, there’s nothing for me to do. I’ve been thinking of riding south with Coram, to see what I can find.”

“I know of a task for you, if you wish it.” There was a note of diffidence in the headman’s voice she had never heard before.

“Name it.”

He smiled reluctantly. “I have a friend, a woman who is a sorceress in Alois, near Lake Tirragen in the hill country. For three nights I have dreamed she was in peril, cut off from me by fire.” He shook his head. “We grew up together, before she discovered her Gift. She could not stay. There was no Woman Who Rides Like a Man to say she could be a shaman. But she returns here often.”

Is she the reason that Halef Seif never married? Alanna wondered.

“I would go to her myself, but my duties do not permit such freedom—”

Alanna put her hand on his arm. “I’ll go. Don’t worry about your friend. If she’s in trouble, I’ll do everything I can to help.”
