Page 62 of King of Night

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“Now that I find interesting.”I give her a smirk, enjoying how one little gesture can make her squirm.

“Do you kill interesting people too?”She regrets asking it the second the words leave her lips, I can tell.Because up until right now, she could have pretended I was a nonviolent vampire, satisfied with only drinking bottled blood.It’s been a while since I’ve drained the life out of anyone, but there’s no point in lying to Callie.

Or to anyone, unless it benefits me.

“If necessary, yes,” I tell her and watch her body stiffen for just a second.She already knew I was a killer, but hearing it out loud is making her second guess getting in the car with me.She doesn’t ask me anything else as we walk a few more blocks and pause in front of my house.

“Do you live here?”she asks, looking at the large house.It’s one of the biggest on the street and the most expensive in the area.

“Yes.”I open the passenger side door of my Chevelle for her and watch her get in.

“If you so much as look at my neck, I’ll turn you into a frog,” she threatens.

“I’d like to see you try.”I get into the driver’s seat and flash my fangs, hoping to see her shudder.

“Don’t test me.Because now I’m thinking frogs are too good and you’d make a really nice hairless rat.”

I laugh, but her tenaciousness to act tough is making my cock hard.Bringing the car to life, I step on the gas and pull away from the curb.

“This thing is pretty cool,” she says, sounding more like a drunk woman than a badass witch.

“Yes, it is.I’ve been it’s only owner.”

“Perks to eternal living, right?”

Her words make me laugh because it’s true.It’s almost strange, the things you think about when you know you’re never going to die.I bought this Chevelle back in 1969 because I liked it, not thinking about its value many years later.I consider myself a bit of a minimalist—a trendy term I hate using—but I only keep things that have value to me.

Monetary value, that is.

I have a lot of cars, some here with me in Chicago, and most kept safe in a garage at my estate in Napa.

“My car is parked on this street,” Callie says as drive[HW4] away from my house.Her eyes flutter closed as if she’s fighting off sleep.“It’s the white Jeep Grand Cherokee with Indiana plates.”

I nod, flicking my eyes to her and looking her over once more.Her beauty is obvious, and the magic coming off of her is strong.But her physical looks and apparent danger isn’t all that’s attracting me to her.

She’s different than other humans—magic aside—and I can’t quite put my finger on what it is.I’m still thinking about it when we pull onto the highway.I’ve been stealing glances at her the whole time, and the whole time I’ve been trying to ignore this weird feeling inside my chest I get whenever I lay eyes on hers.

She looks relaxed, probably thanks to the alcohol, but it’s more…and when it finally hits me, it hits me hard.

Callie is sitting in the car with me, leaning back against the seat.Yeah, she has powers, but at the root of it all, she’s human.And she’s not staring me down with fear or awe.She’s not going on and on about how cool it is to be going home with a vampire, texting[HW5] her friends to brag about it.

If anything, it would be the opposite for Callie.

She knows I’m a vampire and completely accepts it.

I’ve never been around a human with that sort of mindset before.It’s unsettling…but kind of nice.

“I guess you don’t really need a seatbelt, do you?”She asks, looking over at me as she absent-mindedly runs her fingers up and down the strap across her chest.Her fingers sweep over her breasts and the tip of my cock tingles with desire.Dammit.

“Nope.”I set my eyes on the road ahead.I’m not letting this fucking witch get under my skin.I’m drawn to her because she doesn’t want me, which is the first in, well…ever.But that’s it.There’s nothing more.She’s my forbidden fruit and we always desire what’s out of our reach.

“So,” she starts again, “you own a lot of property in Chicago?”

“Not just Chicago.”

“Oh, cool, cool.You’re like an undead investor?”

“Something like that.”
