Page 63 of King of Night

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“What was your stance on vampires coming out?”

“I didn’t care either way.I’ve always done what I’ve wanted regardless,” I admit.

She bites her lip and nods.“Oh, and me?”Her eyes are on me, waiting to see if I’m going to ask her what she thought.Taking my eyes off the road, I look at her, really look at her, and feel that same warmth spreading through me again.

“What did I think about vampires coming out?”she asks herself out loud.“It didn’t really change anything for us witches.We’ve always known, which made it kind of funny to watch the nons freak out about having a vampire in the neighborhood.But it’s like, hello, they’ve been there all along.At least you know about it now.”

“Nons?”I ask.

“Non-magical people.”

Humans are predictable.Easy to ready.Easy to please.And easy to manipulate into doing whatever I want them to do without having to hold them spell bound.But Callie…I can’t figure her out.She came to the bar for a reason, and the fact that she won’t shut up but wouldn’t go into detail about why she came to the bar is telling.

She messes with her phone and then rests her head back, eyes fluttering shut.We only make it another mile and a half before she falls asleep.Her breathing is slow and rhythmic and her heart rate drops just a little as her body relaxes.

Ever since I was turned, I’ve found the sound to be comforting, though at the same time, each heartbeat reminds me that the human is one heartbeat closer to death.


We crossed the Indiana boarder several miles ago, and Callie is still asleep.I let off the gas, slowing the car down to turn into a gas station.This muscle car needs to be refilled already, and I don’t know Callie’s address.

Her purse is on the ground by her feet, and her ID with her address will be in her wallet.I could wake her up and ask her, but she looks so peaceful I don’t want to disturb her…and that simple fact disturbs me.

Why the fuck do I care?

She’s a witch.

I pull into the gas station and put the car in park.Callie’s hair fell in her face on the drive, and I gently push it back over her shoulder.My fingers grace the soft skin on her cheek, soaking up the heat of her skin.Something about her just feels right…which makes no fucking sense.

I snatch my hand back and go for her purse.

“What the hell?”she snaps, sitting up and taking her purse from me.“You’re trying to rob me?”

“No, I’m trying to get your driver’s license for your address so I can take you home.”

“Oh.I, uh, guess that makes sense.Where are we?”She looks outside, taking in our surroundings, yet still doesn’t look panicked.She’s either overly confident in her powers or is stupid.“Never mind.I recognize this place.We’re about twenty minutes from my house.”

“Where are you going?”I ask as she unbuckles her seat belt.Maybe she’s not so stupid after all.

“I have to pee.”

“Humans are so needy.”

“Yeah, yeah.”She waves her hand at me and gets out of the car.I watch her walk into the gas station, admiring her tight ass before getting out and gassing up the Chevelle.The tank is full and Callie still hasn’t come back out.How long does it take humans to pee?

I go around the car and lean against it, looking into the gas station.Callie is in there, with her back turned to me.A man in dirty jeans and muddy boots stands in front of her, brows furrowed.

Something is wrong.

Tipping my head, I listen for Callie’s heart.Picking out a specific heartbeat amongst a group of humans is a skill nearly all vampires are able to do, but only after they’ve spent a significant amount of time with said human.

I don’t know Callie, and yet I can pick up on her heartbeat and hers alone.She’s scared, and her pulse has increased along with her fear.If that hillbilly asshole so much as laid a finger on her, I’m going to rip his fucking throat out.

Speeding forward, I burst into the gas station and over to Callie.I shove the man away from Callie.

“The fuck?”she spits.“Why’d you do that?”

“I could hear your heart racing.You’re scared.”
