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Noah:By the docking doors at the south end.

I sent him a thumbs-up emoji.

“She’s by the docking doors on the other side.”

“We can’t all go,” Ella said. “It’ll be too obvious.”

“Duncan and I will skirt around on either side. One of us will catch her, whichever direction she goes.” Maddox spoke with surety.

“We don’t want to intervene before she talks to her contact,” I said. “So don’t cut her off until after we can catch whoever it is.”

“What are you planning on doing once you find this person?” Ella asked.

I placed a hand on the gun at my waist. It was more for backup than anything else, in case this person was armed,too. I’d never shot anyone who wasn’t a villain in a video game—I wasn’t going to change that now.

Not unless I had to.

“Confront them,” I said. “Find out who it is.”

“What if it’s Will?” Maddox asked.

“Who else could it be?” Duncan said snidely.

“It’s got to be someone else. Will is in jail,” I said.

“Let’s head out there before it’s too late,” Ella reminded us. She secured her beanie over her brown hair. “She’s already en route to meet him.”

I wished I’d thought to bundle up more than this. Like Duncan and Maddox, who also donned dark beanies and gloves. All I had was my coat.

We got out, and Duncan and Maddox signaled and ran off in opposite directions, one on either side of the massive building.

Moonlight glinted on the piles of cleared snow. The cold wasn’t the only thing making me stew with uncertainty.

“Stay with me,” I said, pulling her close.

“Where are the police?” she whispered. “Didn’t you say they were going to be here, too?”

“I thought so,” I said, peering around at the darkened street.

Though there were a few cars, all I saw were signs of winter. Snow in large piles on vacant lots where snow plows deposited it after clearing the roads.

No police Chargers, though. No uniforms. Where were they?

Our breath left our mouths in steady puffs.

“Maybe they’re waiting until they get a definitive call from you,” she suggested.


Footsteps sounded, and Ella’s hand tightened over mine.

“There,” she said in a whisper.

A figure—a woman in a dark coat and hat—skulked toward the south loading dock.

The two of us slunk into the shadows. Ella stayed close. The heat of her body, her pomegranate scent, were heady.

I peered at her. “You know, any other time, I’d take advantage of a situation like this.”
