Page 104 of Endless

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“I’m not asleep.”

Joel chuckled and kissed my cheek. “Well, before you are, little sleepy Omega, I’m sorry I brought up something that’s hurting you. But you can always talk about it with us, okay?”

I frowned. “You’ll let me call you just for that?”

He laughed again. “Of course. How does sleepy sex sound to you?”

Our conversation in front of Cream Dream came back to me. Waking up with sex. In my clouded mind, that sounded yummy. “Yes please.”

“Rest. We’ll make sure you’re awake for the party.”

I’d never fallen asleep so quickly.




Isolde fell asleep, body softening against mine. Telling her everything had been right there. But I could wait one more day. Tomorrow. We would tell her tomorrow.

Sheneededto hear it.

The grief in her voice speaking about being alone tore me apart inside. But she would never be alone again. Not if she didn’t want to be. We were so far gone for her, we barely wanted to let her out of our sight.

Every instinct told me she was ready. I only hoped she would believe it. Isolde had put herself so thoroughly inside a box in her own mind, she might second guess the truth.

Vaughn stepped in quietly, watching her. He looked happy and at peace. Thankfully. I hoped that me taking care of her now helped heal the wound I’d given him a long time ago. We’d moved past it, but things like that left a scar.

“Is she okay?”

I shook my head and shrugged. “Yes, and no. She’s fine from last night, but it’s deeper than that. She needs to know. Her Omega is so fucking tired, Vaughn. Like she’s been treading water for the last five years without any rest. No wonder she crashes whenever she sleeps with us.”

He looked as upset about it as I felt. One more day. We could make it one more day.

“Warren asked if we want to go to the party. I said we didn’t want to intrude.”


The five of us, alcohol, and Isolde’s ex all in one space, was a recipe for disaster, and not for us. I preferred not to go to jail when we’d just found our Omega.

“I thought so. He said we could use whatever. Including the gaming systems in their wing, if we wanted.”

I smiled. That would be fun. I could kill some time there while waiting for Isolde to come back. Gaming was a hobby, but it was incredible how it faded to the background when someone like Isolde came into the picture. My priorities were different, and even though she didn’t know it, she was number one.

Still, I’d relax while she was with her friends.

Vaughn nodded toward the beach. “Rowan’s headed to the house to check on things, and I figured I’d head down to the water for a bit if you’re good here.”

“We’re fine.” I nodded. “Hell, I’d be fine forever having her here like this.”

Vaughn huffed out a laugh. “Know the feeling.”

Though she was asleep, I kept touching Isolde, moving my hands over her and watching her body relax where it naturally tensed without being touched. Time felt like it was passing so fucking fast. It was time to start waking her up for the party. And this way of waking her up was going to be my favorite.

My cock had been hard since we were in the bath, so it was easy to pull her to me, slipping into her from behind.

Holy shit. I closed my eyes, fighting the urge to come before she’d even woken. Her pussy gripped me like a vise. She was fucking made for me. It was the only reality and truth.
