Page 111 of Endless

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A gentle hand skimmed across my arm, smoothing all the way down it and circling my wrist to try to make me let go of the pillow. I didn’t. “Hey, baby girl.”

No moving. If I didn’t, it was possible I could make him think I’d fallen back asleep.

But of course that didn’t work. He gently and insistently separated me from the pillow, rolling me back so he could see me, and I could see all of him. From his beautiful face to the tattoos that rolled down his chest. I couldn’t meet his eyes.

“How do you feel?”

“Like shit,” I whispered and cleared my throat. “I’m… pretty embarrassed right now, and I’d rather none of you see me like this, if you could give me some time.”

Hawk frowned, nothing but concern in his eyes. “Why are you embarrassed?”

I still wasn’t looking at him. “Because I made a fool of myself, and some of what she said about me is true. So, I’ll just stay here until I don’t feel like death warmed up.”

Movement at the corner of my eye had me looking at Vaughn, who stood at the edge of the bed, eyes burning with anger. “Which things did she say that were true?”

My breath hiccuped, and I looked away, keeping the emotions in check. Barely. “I am desperate. And maybe thatmakes me do things I shouldn’t. I probably held on too tightly. Maybe I do hold some of the blame.”

His growl had my hair standing on end and chills running over my skin. He pulled me to the edge of the bed, still careful with me, but not giving me a choice either. He sat me on the edge, legs on either side of my knees so I had nowhere to go. My face was in his hands, and all I could think about was that he smelled so good, and I didn’t want all of this to be ruined.

“I don’t know what she said to you before we got there. When Ellie called us, I don’t think we’ve ever moved so fast, and I’m grateful the club is close. ButnothingI heard while I was there was remotely true. About you, us, or anyone else. Don’t you dare let her into your head, Isolde. That’s exactly what she wanted.”

My lower lip trembled, and I focused on the little hollow at the base of his throat. “But what if it’s true?”

“It’s not. Because there’s nothing wrong with wanting to be loved, sweetheart. And if the right people love you, theywantyou to hold on tight. Okay?”

Everything felt so close and so real. I couldn’t manage to speak, but I nodded once.

Vaughn leaned down to kiss my forehead. “Why don’t you go take a quick shower so you feel a little better? Then the five of us want to talk to you.”

I looked up at him in panic, and he smiled. “It’s not about last night at all, or anything bad. I promise.”

“Still not reassuring,” I muttered.

“I promise,” he said again, helping me up off the bed.

The shower made me feel a little better, but I still felt rough, and it didn’t make sense. Probably just me getting older and not being able to handle alcohol as much. Which was shitty, but also a reality.

I pulled on the biggest sweatshirt I brought, and some sleep shorts. Being comfortable was my biggest priority right now with my stomach in tangles because they wanted to talk to me.

All five of them sat on the couches in the living area when I came out of the closet. Fear so visceral ran through me I couldn’t even take a step forward. Joel was the one who stood and came to me, pulling me against him. “Your scent right now makes my heart break, Isolde. You don’t have anything to be afraid of.”

“Usually needing to talk isn’t a good thing,” I said quietly.

“Well, it is this time.”

I whined, but let him tug me to the couches to sit between him and Rowan. A sweatshirt was a bad choice. I was already too hot, sweating beneath it. My head pounded, nausea rising like a tide. I really needed to go back to bed.

Hawk leaned forward, elbows on knees, with his dark eyes on me. “We decided a couple of days ago we were going to talk to you, baby girl. We’ve wanted to, and we can’t wait any longer.”

Unnatural heat filled the back of my throat. “I’m sorry?—”

I sprinted for the bathroom, dry heaving over the toilet when I got there. There was nothing to throw up. I’d barely eaten yesterday because I’d slept for most of it, and what was left of the alcohol was already gone. But everything swam. I felt hot, and I could smell the toothpaste I left open on the counter. The lingering scent of my bodywash from the shower. I felt like I could smelleverything.

It was physically impossible for me to be pregnant, thank fuck, but whatever this was? I didn’t like it.

A knock came on the door. “Isolde?” Rowan’s concerned voice. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” I opened the door, frowning. “I didn’t throw up. I have no idea what’s happening.”
