Page 112 of Endless

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The scent of coconut slammed into me, followed by that trace of salt I couldn’t get enough of. Rowan’s familiar scent, but ithad never smelled like this before. Sweeter and sharper and with a hundred different layers. It curved around me and melded to me and changed me. I would never be the same after scenting something this delicious. All I wanted to do was bury my face in his chest and inhale, so that’s exactly what I did.

My fingers gripped his shirt, my nose in the fabric before I could take another breath and holyfucking shithe smelled so good. I never wanted him to take a step away from me again. I would glue him to my side because he was mine.

Dawning realization reached me.

Oh. Fuck.

He wasmine.

I looked up at Rowan and saw the concern on his face. He brushed my hair back. “Isolde?”

“Is it all of you?” I whispered.

Before I could answer, I pushed past him into the room. All of their scents crashed over me in a wave. A mixture and medley of everything good in the world that told me the truth. They were mine. They were my Alphas. My pack.

My knees buckled, and Cade met me halfway, catching me before I could fully hit the floor. I heard their cries of distress from somewhere else, sinking into the depth of his soft sandalwood. His fingers brushed my head, and he went rigid. “She’s burning up. I think she’s going into heat.”

Rowan wrapped around me from behind with a purr, lifting me up and turning me so I could hold him too. Tears streamed down my face. Everything moved so fast I didn’t know if I was happy or shocked or angry.

They were mine.

No questions or wondering, no having to figure things out. They were mine, and they would have known this whole time.

My voice broke when I found it. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Rowan’s hand held the back of my head. “We were about to. Just now. We’d agreed we couldn’t wait any longer.”

“But before. Why?”

“Because you wouldn’t have believed us,” he whispered. “You weren’t ready.”

Another set of arms came around me, and suddenly Vaughn held me. He nuzzled into my neck before speaking. “You told us you didn’t want anything to do with us outside our arrangement. Not even sex. We knew the second we met that you were ours, but we weren’t going to lose you because we moved too fast.”

It was true. If they’d told me this when we first arrived, I would have panicked and ran. Maybe even sent them away. Part of me felt like I should be angry with them for not telling me, but I wasn’t. They were right. I was too broken and I wouldn’t have listened.

“But we never lied to you, baby girl.” Hawk’s voice came from behind us. “I need you to know that. We left this out, but we never lied. And we tried to tell you how much we wanted you without outright saying it.”

I’m not pretending with you.

You are my priority.


Hawk’s voice at the anniversary party.My pack and I. She’s our Omega.

All the times they’d spoken of things that could come in the future. The quickly hidden flashes of hurt whenever I dismissed it. Because they’d already known they wanted me. And I missed it entirely.

I pressed my face into Vaughn’s neck, breathing him in. He was fucking lickable. I loved his scent before and now I was obsessed. At the same time, I needed the others close to me so I could have theirs too because it was all incredible.

“Speaking of the arrangement,” Joel said quietly. “We returned your money as soon as we arrived at the house. We didn’t need to be paid to spend time with our Omega. And I hope—” He took a hitching breath that had me looking over at him. “We hope you know how much we want you. You’re the last client we’ll ever have, because you’re ours. If you want us.”

IfI wanted them.


Like it was even a question. The only reason I hadn’t dived headlong into them was the knowledge that it wouldn’t last and it was fake.

Somehow I was in Joel’s lap and kissing him and I didn’t remember moving. “Of course I want you. I wanted you even though I wasn’t allowed to, and I was already planning on how I was going to survive when you left.”
