Page 125 of Endless

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The blindfold gently slid off my face. Joel stared down at me, checking me over like he thought I might be hurt. “I’m done,” I told them. “It’s over.”

Rowan gently placed the back of his hand against my forehead and smiled. “You okay?”


Beneath me, Hawk purred. Hell, all the Alphas purred, the nest filled with comforting sound. It made everything soft and lovely, my Omega knowing she was completely safe.

I’d had enough heats to know they could be rocky after. Emotions ran high with all the hormones, but I felt okay. Maybe there were so many negative emotions right before the heat that I got them out of my system. Maybe they’d come later.

Hawk’s knot eased first, but he stayed until Joel’s did, both of them pulling away together. I felt empty without them. We would be doing that again, that was for fucking sure.

“I hate the cold after.” I shivered again.

Vaughn grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around my shoulders, but I made him stay and hold me.

“How many days did it last?” Time seemed to disappear during the heat. The only thing I cared about was the next knot inside me, so I had no idea how long we’d been locked in here, even with the brief breaks for showers and food.

“It’s morning, day four,” Hawk said. “Still a few days till the wedding.”

“Okay, that’s good.” I needed to talk to my parents and Ellie. About the heat, but about everything else too. “Are we going back to the estate?”

Joel shrugged. “We can if you want to. We can also stay here. Either way is fine with us.”

I didn’t want to share them yet. It was different now, knowing they were mine. “I’ll ask Ellie if she’s okay with me staying here. It’s her wedding, and I’ve already caused commotion, so whatever she wants, we’ll do until after the wedding.”

“And what are your plans?” Rowan asked softly. “For after the wedding?”

I tried not to chew on my lower lip and failed. Nerves jangled in my stomach, but not necessarily bad ones. “I don’t know. All I know is that I was dreading the wedding because it meant the end of this, and I’m still basking in relief.”

Vaughn rubbed a hand up and down my arm over the blanket. “Let’s get a shower, and some food, and then we’ll talk about it, okay? We have time.”

My smile couldn’t be contained, because he was right. Now we had time. “That sounds good.”

He kissed me before helping me up and lifting me into his arms to walk the now familiar path to the shower. “You can put me down,” I whispered.

Our foreheads bumped together, and he whispered back. “No, sweetheart, I can’t.”




We barely managed to keep our hands off each other in the shower, in spite of the festival of fucking we just had. But we did, if only because all of us were exhausted. I saw a nap in my near future. But first, I wanted to see more of the house.

I had no clothes with me, so Rowan’s t-shirt was currently skimming my bare thighs as I crept back by the nest. The guys were getting dressed, and Vaughn had mentioned ordering food, so I was free to spy on everything.

The only rooms I’d really seen were the nest and its connecting bathroom, but I vaguely remembered a bright hallway before we got there. That was where I went, pushing open the door and blinking tears out of my eyes. I’d been in cozydimness for days. The sun was a bit much, but when my eyes cleared and I saw out the windows, my jaw dropped.

There was a door. I stepped outside into balmy summer heat and a breeze that smelled like water and salt. It couldn’t be, right?

But it was.

We were on the cliffs, magnolia trees dotting here and there. From here I could look down on the estate and see all of it laid out. The beach too. This was where I used to climb and sit, using the rickety switchback path. There was a gate in front of it now, but it was still there.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

“Wondered when you’d find this. Guess sooner rather than later.” Rowan stood by the door in soft jeans and a t-shirt that looked equally soft. The wind ruffled his hair, the sun glinted off his skin, and he was smiling at me. He looked so good it hit me in the chest. But I still couldn’t comprehend this. “You live here?”
