Page 126 of Endless

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“We do.”

“I can’t believe this.”

He chuckled and came to me. “Is that a good or bad statement?”

“It’s fuckinggreat. When we were driving from the airport, I saw someone had built a house up here and I was sad because I used to come up the path and sit up here all the time. This house wasn’t here when I left.”

“No,” he said. “Sounds like you left right around the time we broke ground. We’ve lived in it for a few months now.”

“But it’s yours.”

“Could be ours,” he said. “If you want that.”

Behind him the house rose two stories, a classic style that suited this place more than the glitzy and modern mansions that dotted most of the coast. I had barely seen the inside of it, but I knew it was beautiful. Because they had put so much time andeffort into a nest that wasn’t even being used. They would make the same effort with the rest of their home.


“I’m sorry. It still doesn’t feel real to me. I know it is, but…” I huffed a breath. “You’re sure?”

He stepped closer and cradled my face with both hands, letting them sink into my hair. “I’ve never been so sure of something in my life. You were dreading the wedding? So was I, because we didn’t know what you would say when we told you. We didn’t know if you would believe us without a heat to prove it. We just hoped we had enough time to prove we wanted you.Neededyou.”

I swallowed. “Wow.”

Rowan laughed and kissed me. “Nothing is going to change our minds, Isolde. The only thing that could make us walk away is you telling us to. Otherwise, we’re yours. Everything we have and everything we are. We’ll go where you go. Whatever you want, we’ll make it happen.”

Holding onto his wrists, I searched his face. “What about you?”

“I want you. Nothing else matters.”

I made a face. “You’re allowed to want things besides me. And I’m basically the reason your career is ending, so you’re entitled to want something.”

He took me by the shoulders and turned me so we both faced the ocean, holding me to him. “We all have things we do in our free time, and would be happy to continue doing or monetizing. You already know mine. I’ve wanted to set up a high-end specialty dispensary for a long time. Clarity is the perfect place for it, I just never had the time.”

“I’ve been told to try your candy.”

“You can absolutely try my candy. And I’ll have to show you my grow room in the basement.”

Leaning back against him, I smiled. “I want to see everything.”

“Vaughn’s ordering Italian food for everyone. That okay?”

My stomach growled in response. We’d eaten, but when you went that hard for so long, you needed more. I was starving. “That sounds amazing.”

He kissed my hair. “I don’t want to take you away from the view.”

“That’s okay. The view isn’t going anywhere. Even if I’m annoyed you didn’t tell me you liveright here.”

“I liked the look on your face though.” Rowan kept his arm around me as we went back into the house and through the hallway I’d been distracted by. The main story of the house was large. The house sprawled rather than going vertical, which I understood.

A cozy, sunken living room centered around a fireplace with overstuffed couches and armchairs. There was a television too, but there were doors that could hide it so it wasn’t the focal point of the room.

There were warm colors and half-walls making the space seem open while still having some division. Stairs led up to the second floor, and there was a hallway with branching rooms beyond the airy kitchen.

Hawk sat on one of the leather couches on his phone. Joel was pouring a drink in the kitchen, and the others weren’t back yet.

“Isolde has thoughts about the house,” Rowan announced.

I looked up at him and made a face. “I’m going to have words with whoever decided not to tell me you guys lived right here. I love this clifftop. I used to come up here every fucking day in the summer.”
