Page 129 of Endless

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So I bit my lip and nodded.

One hand pushed me against the wall, the other slipping between my bare thighs. He wasn’t touching me where I so desperately needed him, instead grazing my skin so lightly I could barely hold myself still. Those rings he always wore added a shiver of cold.

“What’s between these gorgeous legs of yours belongs to us now. Like hell am I going to let anyone else scent it because you’re outside without panties, or worse, catch a glimpse of it.” A smirk that made my stomach tumble. “So put the fucking pants on, princess, or I’ll do it for you.”

“Gonna tie me up while you do?”

He laughed. “No, I wouldn’t need to. But I still want to tie you up, among other things. The heat didn’t change that.”

I ran my fingers over the scruff on his jaw. “I wouldn’t have picked you for this.”

“What do you mean?”

“You all have such different hobbies and things you like, but if I’d had to choose, I would have said you would be more like Joel than Rowan.”

Cade leaned in and brushed his lips over my cheek. “That a problem?”

The silky darkness in his voice reminded me of the way he gripped my throat the first night they all pleasured me. “Definitely not.”

“Good.” The hand not currently between my legs found its way into my hair, making sure I didn’t look away from him. Those infernal fucking fingers still teasing my skin and not giving me nearly enough. “Do you know what started it all?”


“I was always interested,” he said. “But I’d never really explored it. Then I met someone who was like me and it opened up all the possibilities.”

He was so close and smelled so good. Perfume filled the air in the hallway, betraying me. “Like you? What does that mean?”

Cade’s hand tightened in my hair. “I’m a Beta.” The words were a velvet whisper. “I can’t knot you and keep you squirming exactly where I want you. I can’t bark and expect you to obey. I have to earn that.” He smiled then, lips brushing over mine. “And that makes it so much sweeter when you do.”

“Who says I want to?”

“Only you can say that,” he murmured. “But your heart is racing, your pupils are wide, you’re perfuming and barely breathing. So you tell me, princess. Are you curious?”

I was tempted to tell him no. To pull away, put on the pants, and go out the door to the car. But I couldn’t lie to him. We hadn’t spent much time one on one yet, and I wanted to see what happened when he was unleashed. Because he was fucking right. Being a Beta meant absolutely fuck-all with the raw dominance dripping off him, and I wanted toobey. I already knew it wouldbe different than what was between Joel and I. This would have more push and pull, but he would win.


I wanted him to win.

I wanted toobey.

He was right. Iwascurious. I always had been, and I’d never had a chance to experience it. Now the entire world was at my fingertips, including this.

“Yes.” I wet my lips. “I’m curious.”

“Then tomorrow, after we’ve both had more sleep, you’re mine. I’m taking you down to the studio and having my way with you. Right?”

“Right.” I shivered, though it was warm, the heat of the day spilling through the nearby windows.

Cade pulled back and released me, including the teasing between my thighs. “Now put the sweats on so I’m not half a second from making you come on my face or from decking the first man who looks at you.”

The pants had fallen to the floor when he held me, but I put them on, unable to stop my smile. He and the guys were taking me down to the estate to get all our things. They didn’t all need to come, but they claimed they didn’t want to be apart, and neither did I.

When the sweatpants were rolled a couple of times so I could walk without tripping, I reached for Cade’s hand. “You said you hadn’t explored it until you met someone like you. What does that mean?”

One squeeze of my hand. “I always wanted to be an Alpha. Never really felt like a Beta. I had these instincts that felt out of place, and I still struggle with it sometimes.” He shrugged, but he was looking away as he guided me to the SUV. I made him turn back to me, his expression a mix of shame and embarrassment.

“I’m the last person who’s going to judge you for struggling with shit, Cade.”
