Page 13 of Endless

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Dad laughed. I’d never been a big party person to begin with—at least not this type of party—and he’d never been Beau’s biggest fan. So he knew I was thinking about pulling the fire alarm and heading to the beach just to get out of it.

“Henry, stop monopolizing her and meet her men.”

We did the rounds of introductions again, but this time, Hawk pulled me against him and wrapped his arms around me. Possessively, around my shoulders and across my chest, so his body lined up with mine, his cheek pressed against my temple. I got lost in the sweetness of his frosting scent.

“You guys must be tired from the trip,” Dad said. “We’ll let you get settled and ready before I thoroughly interrogate you.”

They all laughed and Joel smiled. “Looking forward to it, sir.”

“Sir?” Dad looked at me. “I like them.”

I smiled and hoped it looked real. “Me too.”

Rowan took a step forward. “Lead the way.”

This was happening. We were all staying in one suite. A suite I knew only had one giant bed.

I was so, so,sofucked.




Iwatched Isolde lead us through a house that could easily be used as the set of a film. Our house was lovely, and not too far from here, but this was an entirely different level. Which made sense. Adelaide Allen Caruso was known across theworldfor her design skills.

Something you couldn’t really appreciate unless you saw the details up close.

It was impossible not to look at Isolde as she walked—all of her. From the curves those leggings hugged to the slight hunch in her shoulders that told me she was uncomfortable. I’d never wanted to be a piece of spandex so badly. Especially now that I knew what was happening.

Isolde smelled incredible. Something intangible that made me want to draw her closer and dig beneath the surface to figure out what made her tick. What made hermoan.

Not to mention that fucking list she gave us told me she wanted exactly what I could give her.

As soon as we stepped out of the airport and Vaughn had Isolde far enough ahead of us, I turned on Joel. “What the fuck is going on with all of you?”

His expression rested somewhere between terror and awe. “She’s ours.”

I stopped walking, nearly tripping over my feet. “What did you just say?”

“She’sours, Cade. She’s our match. Scenting her feels like a battering ram in the gut.”

Not for the first time, I wished my designation was different. Isolde smelled so fucking good, but I couldn’t ever feel what Joel described. I’d never know what it was like to know with utter certainty someone was meant for me, no matter how much I wanted it.

“You’re sure?”

“He’s sure,” Rowan said from behind me. “It’s true.”

I looked again at the small Omega. Her bright red hair tousled like she’d taken a turn at the mile high club. Her unsure smile. Her fuckingincrediblescent.

One thing was certain: I’d never scented anyone like her before. It did hit me differently. Maybe there was something my soul recognized too, and I wanted it. Even if I couldn’t, it wouldn’t matter. If she belonged to my pack, she belonged to me. End of story.

No one in my pack had ever cared that I was a Beta. We belonged together as surely as the woman in front of us belonged.

Rowan’s hand came down on my shoulder. “She’s yours too.”

I pressed my lips together, rolling my shoulders back. “Thanks.”
