Page 14 of Endless

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“Now we just have to figure out a way to tell her that doesn’t make her run,” Joel said quietly. “Something happened to her. Clearly.”

This I could work with. We needed a plan, and I was good at making plans. Figuring out puzzles, too. Isolde was a puzzle. Relief flowed through me as I walked the rest of the way to the car. “We’ll figure it out.”

Now, as we followed her through the house, I reviewed what I knew about her. Sure, the client questionnaire told us a lot, but it was basic information. Things you might find on a dating profile or a job interview. It didn’t tell us about her soul or who she was when no one was watching.

It didn’t tell me why she seemed so nervous about being here, in a home with a family who clearly loved her. It didn’t tell me why the idea of staying in the same room as us made her panic.

All it made me want to do was get my ropes and tie her up so I could pleasure her until she gave me true answers. And maybe let me replace whatever thoughts made her shoulders cave in like that.

My phone chimed in my pocket. The pack group text.


I’m refunding her money immediately. Any objections?

That made sense. As far as we were concerned, Isolde wasn’t a client. She was ours. We weren’t going to take her money while we were courting her and trying to figure out how to tell her who she was to us.

Ahead of me, Hawk checked his phone and typed a response.


You don’t think she’ll notice? I don’t care, I just don’t want to blow the play early.


I don’t think she’ll notice. She seems overwhelmed, and while she’s here, we’ll be taking care of things.

I typed my response.


No arguments from me.

The others gave a quick thumbs up in the chat.

“It’s right here,” Isolde said, gesturing to a set of tall double doors. Intricately carved wood that somehow didn’t seem out of place.

She pushed one open, and we followed her inside.

It was basically an entire house. A kitchen, living room, and covered veranda that overlooked the back of the estate and down to the ocean.

A man in a dark suit was rolling our suitcases into what must be the pack bedroom. The one that made her nervous. “Thank you, Geoffrey,” she said.

“Of course, Miss Allen. It’s good to have you home.”

She went out onto the veranda and leaned against the marble railing. I recognized the pose. Her head dropped, shoulders rising and falling. She was overwhelmed. This, I could handle.

I held out a hand to the others, telling them not to follow before I joined her. It was a risk to touch her, but Vaughn was right. She couldn’t jump every time we made contact if she wanted this to work.

And we wanted to keep touching her long after this.

I let my hands gently land on her hips before placing them on the railing on either side of her, lining our bodies up together. “You okay?”

“Of course.”

Laughing once, I covered her hands with mine, seeing how far she’d let me push. Isolde stiffened, but she didn’t pull away. So I intertwined our fingers before wrapping her arms around herself so I was hugging her too. “Take a breath for me.”

“I’m breathing.”
