Page 143 of Endless

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“You know I love your mouth, princess. Watching you make my cock disappear like a magic trick is one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen. But it’s not a trade. It doesn’t have to be even. You don’toweme an orgasm, and I never want you to think you have to make sure everything’s equal all the time. Especially with five of us in the pack.” He raked a hand through my hair, making my whole body tingle. “I’m more than happy to have you here like this. Watching you come apart in my ropes is going down as one of my favorite memories.”

Everything in me warmed. I hadn’t thought about it as transactional. At least not consciously. But I understood what he was saying. “The same goes both ways,” I said. “I might want to make you feel good. Maybe wake you up the way you and Joel wake me up.”

He groaned. “Fuck, princess. You absolutely have my permission to do that. I want to wake up with my balls in that sinful mouth of yours, roll you over and pin your throat to the bed with my cock and come before we’ve even said good morning.”

My eyes nearly rolled back in my head, and I was suddenly perfuming enough to make Cade laugh. “Okay, I admit it. I do love it when you guys say dirty things like that.”

“And you’ll like it even more when we follow the words up with the real thing.”

I sank into him, snuggling closer.

Around me, his hold tightened, and I knew without him saying that if he could purr, he would be doing it. Satisfaction and happiness gathered around him like a cloud. “I love the marks on you.”


Cade pulled the blanket away from me to show my legs. The imprints of his ropes zigzagged across my skin. “They won’t last long, but fuck, these are sexy, princess. Mind if I take a picture?”

Theyweresexy. “Please do.”

Easing away from me, Cade retrieved his phone and snapped a few pictures of my arms and legs covered in rope marks. They were… hot.

“I’ll send them to you. But first.” He tapped away on his phone before showing me the picture of my legs, nestled between the blankets with those rope impressions all over them, was now his lock screen.

“Cade.” My eyes went wide.

“I’m going to want to look at it again. It’s convenient this way.” Cade reached over onto the end table and grabbed a bottle of water, undoing it to help me take a sip. “You’re probably thirsty.”

The picture wasn’t scandalous. It didn’t show anything I’d be embarrassed of. The fact that he wanted it as his screen made me squirm with happiness inside. Taking the water bottle from him, I drank nearly half the bottle in one go. “Woah.”

He grinned. “Yeah, that can happen.” Then he crouched in front of me, more serious. “Anything youdidn’tlike?”

I pulled him closer until he came back on the couch with me so I could lean on his shoulder and sink into him again. “No, that was incredible. Thank you.”

“So you want more?”

“Yes please.”

Cade tilted my chin up with one finger and kissed me. We didn’t need words to understand what was said. He kissed three words onto my lips, and I kissed them right back.




Cade’s hoodie and a set of boy shorts weren’t something I was in the habit of wearing around, but what the hell. I lived here now, and I wanted to be comfy and surrounded by scents I loved.

I wasn’t loopy anymore. Just relaxed. Staring into the flickering flames of a fire pit I hadn’t noticed when I was outside yesterday. Tucked into a camping chair, the sea breeze ruffled my hair as the sun began to set. This was…

Well, it was perfect. I couldn’t quite wrap my head around it, or what Ellie said yesterday. The guys had cooked dinner, and I was pleasantly content. They talked about s’mores, but I would be happy just sitting here forever.

“I have a question,” I announced.

Joel chuckled. “Hopefully we’ll have an answer.”

“Why did you pick St. James for a pack name?” I looked over at Rowan. “You have some kind of secret superpower I don’t know about?”

“No.” He smirked. “Honestly we just tried all our names, and we liked that one the best. We didn’t want to pick something thatwasn’tone of our names. It didn’t feel right.”
