Page 21 of Endless

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There was a knowing look in his eyes. So he understood what was going on with my Omega. Good to know. I didn’t plan on being polite to her ex, which would have been harder if he were the golden boy to her parents.

“Well, in that case, I hope to get to know you better while you’re here.”

I nodded and glanced toward the driveway, noting the car pulling up that was distinctly out of place in the sea of glossy vehicles.

No part of what I said next was a lie, either. “I know we just met, sir, but I want you to know I care very much about your daughter.”

Henry took a puff on his cigar, watching me. Then he smiled. “Good.”

The beat-up car stopped in front of the steps, and a guy stepped out. I nodded to Henry and went down to meet him. “You’re Daryl?”

“Yeah.” He held out the bag, small, glittering pink, withCheriastamped on the side. My eyebrows rose without realizing it.Cheriawas a lingerie store nearby. Not just lingerie, but the stuff that was the stuff of fucking dreams. Impractical, expensive, and hot. Isolde ordered something?

Fuck me. As if being near her scent wouldn’t be hard enough—and makemehard—knowing she had on something naughty beneath whatever dress she wore would make it ten times harder.

“I’ll take it.”

Daryl smiled, the expression hitting me right in the chest. “I looked in there. Good for you. Jealous.”

Every ounce of politeness dropped from my body. I stepped into his space. I had a good foot on him, and I used every inch. “Do you regularly violate the privacy of your deliveries? Or just the women?”

“I—What?” He paled.

“You heard exactly what I said.”

“It’s just a bra, man. Not that serious.”

My teeth ground together. I couldn’t punch this guy in the face no matter how much I wanted to. I didn’t have that claim to Isolde yet, and her stepfather stood right behind me. “What a woman orders, whether it’s a bra or not, is none of yourfucking. Business. Am I clear?”

He scoffed. “Whatever.”

Snatching the bag, I pushed him up against the car. “You’re lucky I have better things to do than kick your ass today. Now get the fuck out of here and try not to be a fucking creep.”

“I’m just dropping it off.” He held up his hands. “Not like she’ll ever know.”

I shook my head and backed up. It wasn’t that hard, but I wasn’t going to get myself into deep shit today because of an asshole who didn’t understand the meaning of privacy or the slippery slope that came with little violations.

Men like that started small, and if they got away with it, they pushed further.

Trying not to crumple the sparkling bag, I watched him until he disappeared out of the gate, and when I turned, Henry watchedme.

We were far enough apart that I doubted he’d heard the exchange, but between the bag and the energy rolling off me, he got the gist. He nodded once. I nodded back.

The guys looked at me when I came back, and Rowan stood immediately. “Don’t go in there like that.”

“Like what?”

All he did was look at me.

“Fine.” I took a breath, trying to release the tension. It wasn’t something I was used to. Even thethoughtof someone hurting Isolde or violating her privacy made me see red. He was right.

Rowan stepped aside. “Better.”

I knocked on the closet door and waited, listening to the trickle of voices. Trinity opened it so quickly I had to duck out of the way. She laughed. “Sorry, Vaughn.”

“Here you go.”

“Thank you.”
