Page 36 of Endless

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Slowly, a hand touched my ankle. I jumped, but it didn’t move any more than that. It wasn’t a touch to break boundaries, it was a touch for comfort.

“I’m sorry,” Joel said, thumb brushing against my skin. “He didn’t deserve you.”

I wanted to say thank you, but I couldn’t. My throat choked on the words. Too much emotion pulling me in every direction. Instead, I tucked myself down into the pillows and closed my eyes, falling asleep to the gentle rhythm of that one single touch.




It was one thing to wake up hard. It was an entirely different thing to wake up hard after your dreams starred a redheaded Omega you wanted to drag underneath you and pleasure until she lost her voice.

I shifted, noting the heaviness of my body. Man, I must have slept hard to feel like this.Wait.

Sweet and deep floral scent that was too strong for where said Omega was sleeping. Suddenly, I was fully awake.Mybody wasn’t heavy.

One peek was all I needed to grin like a damn fool. Isolde was on top of me. One leg slung over my hips, head on my chest,hand curled around my ribs. The pillow wall she’d so diligently put together was a mess.

This felt incredible. This feltright.

Her leg was so close to touching my cock, I was tempted to shift her just enough. But I didn’t. All I did was lift my arm and hold her closer. The story she told last night broke me. The pain in her voice? I didn’t see myself getting through all three of these weeks without laying hands on her ex.

I stroked my hand gently up and down her spine, which made her cuddle closer. Fuck, she was cute. I wanted her cute. I wanted her sexy. I wanted hermine.

Her lungs expanded beneath my hand, and she moved. I felt the moment she realized where she was. Her whole body froze, moving her head to look up at me, horror in her eyes. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered.

“I’m not.”


I moved, rolling us together away from my packmates and into her pillows. Now I couldfeelher beneath me. So fucking soft. I barely held my hips in check from rocking and my groan from escaping.

“Isolde.” My voice was a breath of a breath so we didn’t wake anyone else. “I am in no way upset by waking up with a beautiful Omega draped over me. Actually, it ranks pretty high in my favorite mornings.”

Her pale skin flushed. This close, I could see the gentle freckles sprinkled over her nose and cheeks.

We moved together, pulled like magnets, but I held myself in check. We weren’t in public, and as much as I wanted to kiss the hell out ofmyOmega, I wasn’t going to do something to push her away. I was already on top of her. If she wanted to kiss me, she needed to be the one to close the distance.

“You guys are so good at this,” she whispered.

“Good at what?”

“Pretending. Making me feel like someone worth… anything. I can see why you’re the best.”

I looked down at her, unable to keep my gaze off her lips. In the morning light, her hair was a delicious shade of red spread across the pillows. Hopefully soon I’d see it messier. And I could make her see her own worth, because it wasallI could see. “What makes you think we’re pretending?”

Isolde’s breath caught, an expression somewhere between arousal and fear on her face. “Because that’s your job?”

“Our job isn’t to pretend shit.” I leaned down and whispered the words into her neck before dragging my mouth up to her ear. “Our job is to make you realize exactly how incredible you are. To show you that you’re worth so much more than what that asshole made you believe. I have pretended with others, yes. But Isolde Allen, I am not pretending with you.”

Pulling back, I saw her doubt. The little wrinkle on her forehead that betrayed her confusion. I could hang Beau up by his balls for the damage he’d done to this woman. She believed they werehappy, and he threw her out like trash.

Something told me there was more to the story, and I fully intended on finding out. But this moment was about my Omega, and I wasn’t letting her leave this bed with doubt, even if she didn’t yet know the truth. So I took the risk and shifted my body higher, lining our hips up perfectly so she could feel all of me.

Just my sweats and her skimpy pajamas between us. “Does this feel pretend to you?”

She blushed as bright as her hair and wiggled out from under me. I let her go, noticing the shadow of hard nipples through the silky pajama top.

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