Page 43 of Endless

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“Hey.” I tried to steal it back.

“Don’t want to share, baby girl?”

I shivered, and it had nothing to do with the cool breeze off the water. “No, I’ll share.”

He took a drag and handed it back to me. “Did you have fun today?”

“If by fun, you mean tasting more food than is entirely reasonable and checking every boutique in Clarity forexactlythe right vases for centerpieces, then yes. But it was nice to hang out with my mom.”

Hawk took me to the sand, pulling me down and arranging me between his legs. Close enough to the fire to feel its warmth as the sun faded, and not close enough to get burned. His scent wrapped around me along with his arms. “I’m glad you had fun.”

Someone sat down next to us. Joel, smiling, with a beer in his hand. They were all dressed casually, and they lookedgood. I let myself look. Shirts stretching over muscles and enough scruff along their jaws I wanted to reach out and touch. Joel had freckles like me, and the waning sun lit up his hair the way it did mine, bright as the fire.


“Where’s Cade?”

“He’ll be back soon,” Vaughn said, hitting the sand in front of me, his back to the bonfire. “He had to go teach a class, but it should be over by now.”

“What does he teach?”

Vaughn glanced around, checking where the others were. Ellie’s bridesmaids and Warren’s groomsmen mingled around the fire, but none were close enough to hear our conversation. I didn’t see Beau or Angela, thankfully.

“He teaches a lot of things,” Vaughn said. “But mainly shibari.”

A deep shudder rolled through me, and it didn’t go unnoticed. “We know you’re familiar because of your questionnaire,” Hawk murmured in my ear.

“He teaches it?” Imagining Cade working with people, tying them up, the image was so hot I had to take a deep breath. And fight off the sudden flare of jealousy. I didn’t want his hands on someone else, especially since I knew so much of shibari and rope play was done without clothing to help with friction.

Hawk’s chuckle warmed me up, and he started to purr too. Fuck. My head rolled back on his shoulder, and he held me tighter. “We all have things we do when we’re not doingthis. Cade actually owns the place and teaches kink. How to do things safely.”

“I didn’t—” I swallowed. “I didn’t know there was anything like that in Clarity.”

Joel leaned forward, stroking a hand down my bare leg. “It’s the perfect place for it. Rich people are kinky as fuck, and in Clarity? So is everyone else. No clubs, but Sunset City has plenty of those, if you want them.”

Breathing in another lungful of smoke, I snuggled down further into Hawk. A low sound in his throat, and suddenly he was turning my head back to capture my lips with his. Naturally. Easily.

Even with Beau, it hadn’t felt like this.

Fear rose up in me, and I tried to push it down. What if I got addicted to them? What if it hurt to let them go?

What if I shut the fuck up and enjoyed Alphas and a Beta who wanted to show me something more?

One more breath of smoke. It was starting to help me relax. Weed was never one of those things that made me feel out of control. I didn’t get paranoid and I didn’t lose my mind. Instead, I feltgood. Relaxed. It lifted my fears and loosened me. Made me who I knew I could be.

I just needed to figure out how to do it sober too, and something told me these men might be the ones to show me how.

“I have a question for all of you, but I…” I offered the joint to Hawk again. He took it and pulled in a long breath. “I don’t want anyone else to hear, and I’m nervous you’ll judge me for it.”

Joel jerked his head at Rowan, and he joined us. The others scooted closer. Circling me, keeping close enough that anyone else at this fire would simply see a pack enjoying each other’s company and nothing more.

“We’re listening.” Vaughn pulled my feet into his lap, sand gently scratching my skin as he ran his hands over my bare legs.

Nerves swirled in my gut. I stared into the flames, figuring out how to word it. Hawk squeezed me gently. “Isolde?”

“I—” I cleared my throat. “I might have changed my mind. But I made such a big deal out of saying no that I feel silly. It was more about me than you, but I don’t want you to think I’m… I don’t know.”

Rowan looked at me like he could see through me. “Changed your mind about what?”
