Page 44 of Endless

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My whole body went hot. I dropped my voice to a whisper. “Sex.”

Hawk froze against me, and a second later his purr vibrated so hard through me I wondered if he did that between my legs if he could get me off. “You thought we would judge you for that?”

“Not the actual sex, no. But for being so fucking adamant about not having it, and then changing my mind.”

Joel leaned forward. “It’s more common than you might think.”


“Really.” He grinned. “The idea of having sex with strangers isn’t normal for most people, and when you’re reaching out to someone, or a pack, to help you through something emotional, sex isn’t as important. But now you’re here. You’re safe. And you’re comfortable. If it’s something you want?” Joel shook his head. “Fuck, Isolde, we want you.”

“Why?” I blurted the word out without any thought, and they laughed.

Hawk put the joint back between my lips. “What possible reason would there be not to want you, baby girl?”

I didn’t have an answer to that.

Vaughn pulled out his phone. “In that case, I have some things I want to ask you about.”


He smirked. “For someone who wasn’t interested, you wereverythorough when you filled everything out.”

“I was also drunk, so there’s that.”

“Then you were probably honest,” Rowan said with a smile, his own joint hanging from his fingers. “If I’d known you were going to tell us this, I wouldn’t have given you that.” He gestured to my hand.

I whined. “You’re not going to leave me hanging because I’m a little high, are you?”

“Leave you hanging?” Hawk whispered. “Never. Make sure you’re clearly able to consent? Absolutely.”

Vaughn’s face was lit by his phone screen. “How much of this have you done? Or tried?”

“Almost nothing.”

“Because you didn’t want to? Or because you didn’t have the opportunity?”

I rolled my eyes. “Because getting Beau to do something that wasn’t the same five moves wasn’t worth my time, and before that, I didn’t know shit.”

Joel kept his expression carefully blank. “Were the five moves any good?”

“They were… passable.”

He choked on his beer. “Passable?”

“I got there most of the time.” Not true. “Some of the time. It wasn’t mind blowing.”

Hawk growled. “Some of the timeisn’t a phrase you should ever use when describing getting off.”

“When you have a hard time getting there it is. It wasn’t always his fault. Sometimes it’s hard.”

“You’re right,” he whispered, running his hands up my ribs. “Sometimes coming is hard. You know what’s not? Caring about someone enough to make sure they’re satisfied even if there’s no orgasm involved.”

I shook my head. “You guys say that like it’s the most natural thing in the world. Have you met most men?”

Vaughn leaned forward and slid his phone into my hand. “Yes, we have, which is why we’re nothing like them. Now tell me what things on the list actually interest you.”

The screen was almost too bright in the near darkness, but I saw all my answers typed out next to the questions, and the long list of checkboxes for interest. That list was based on all the thingstheywere interested in or willing to do.

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