Page 50 of Endless

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Rowan crouched and brought his arms around my legs, hoisting me over his shoulder while laughter bubbled out of me. The joint he gave me wasn’t too strong. I was pleasantly relaxed, but this high wouldn’t last long. Still, I loved the feeling of dizzy flying.

“Let’s go,” Rowan said to the others, laughing.

“We’re going to get that room now,” Vaughn said to Beau. I couldn’t see him from this angle—the only thing I could see was Rowan’s glorious ass—but his expression was probably priceless.

We hit the grass, and Rowan began to jog, jostling me. “Okay, that’s going to make me way too dizzy,” I laughed.

One tug on my legs, and I slid over Rowan’s shoulder only for him to catch me in his arms. “We’re far enough away. No need to manhandle you now.”

“What if I like being manhandled?”

His mouth came down on mine. Fuck, he tasted so good. The sweet rawness of coconut and that nearly intangible flavor of salt on the wind. I whined, melting deeper into his arms before I got dizzy all over again. Rowan dropped me on the bed.

All five of them stood there, staring down at me with hunger in their eyes. Bottomless, fathomless hunger. Was I blind enough that I hadn’t seen it before? Or had they hidden it? Was it even real?

I shook my head to clear it. Whether or not all of this was real, you couldn’t fake the lust rolling off them. There was no way. They wanted me, even if it was just for now.

Nerves built up, and I looked between them. Finally, I focused on Rowan. “Remember when I said I couldn’t turn my brain off?”

“We’ll help with that.” Joel went to the bank of switches on the wall and dimmed the lights. Not all the way, but I no longer felt like a spotlight was on me.

Rowan knelt at the side of the bed, tugging me with his hands to sit in front of him. “I’ll admit this isn’t the sexiest conversation, but I’m not taking chances. I’m not fucking you tonight. None of us are.”

My shoulders fell, and he caught me by the arms. “Not because I don’t want to, but because we’re going to have a conversation about sex, substances, and what you’re okay with if you’ve had something like one of my treats.” He winked. “But that conversation has to happen while you’re entirely sober.”

I wasn’t as high as I’d been, but he wasn’t wrong. I wasn’t sober. “And the rest of it?”

He locked eyes with me. “Did you come to the bonfire wanting this? Wanting us? Or did you decide after?”

“Before,” I said. “I was planning on it. All the joint did was relax me enough to actually ask.”

“In that case,” he murmured, rising up on his knees and catching my lips with his. “I—we—plan on touching you.Everywhere. Kissing you. Also everywhere. Learning exactly what makes you come and making you drown in pleasure even if it doesn’t happen. Does any of that sound like too much?”

I shook my head. “No. I want all of that. Tried pretending I didn’t, and it didn’t work.”

Vaughn slid onto the bed behind me, dropping his lips to the skin of my shoulder before lifting my shirt up andoff. I felt him pull his off too, and we were skin on skin. “Why?”

The way he dragged his mouth up my neck made all the words disappear out of my head. The only thing in the entire universe was where his hands grazed my ribs, lips below my ear, Rowan’s hands on my hips, getting rid of my shorts and leaving me in nothing but my royal blue bikini.

“Why what?”

“I’m guessing he’s asking why you tried to resist.” Hawk’s voice drew my gaze to him and the fact that he lost his shirt. So had the others. Just like last night in bed when I couldn’t even focus because they were close and they looked likethat.

“That’s not fun.”

Cade was the one to lift me out from between them and spread me out on the bed. A necklace dangled from him, the charm I couldn’t see brushing between my breasts. I felt rings on his fingers where he held my wrists, stretching them over my head and rendering me helpless beneath him.

Oh, fuck.

Blue eyes pinned me in place, and he smiled. “I can see you didn’t lie.”

“I might have.”

“Is that so?” He leaned down and kissed the edge of my bathing suit, so close I got a hit of his scent. Sandalwood, vanilla, and a touch of smoke like the fire. “Then why did you drown me in perfume the second I pinned your hands? Arch your back and close your eyes like it’s everything you’vecraved.”

That single word carved itself into me. I did crave this. So much more than I’d had and experienced. I wanted it all, and I was so sick of feeling guilty and sad and like I wasn’t enough.

“You gonna keep lying, princess?”
