Page 114 of You Are Not Me

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That was before Nashville. Before we’d made out, or had sex, or let our feelings take over. Before I’d chosenthisoverthat.

“Well, whose fault is it you assumed I meant I’d definitely call? I didn’t promise—”

I rolled my eyes, gripping the knife more tightly. If he’d told her he would call as soon as he got here, then he should have called. Never mind that we’d been screwing on the staircase at the time, then in my bed, and then in my shower. If he was going to do this bullshit two-timing thing, then he should do a better job at it.

“I’m sorry you were worried, but—”

I opened the toaster oven and put my pizza bagel in.

“Okay, fine. I know. Me too,” Adam said. “Yeah, we’re having fun.”

A wave of shame hit me thinking about the kind of fun we’d been having. I closed my eyes, remembering Adam’s face as he came the last time, and his joyful, happy grin after. I wondered if he looked like that when he came for her.

I scrubbed a hand over my face. I was disgusting. We both were.

Adam lied without missing a beat. “We went out to Perkins for breakfast, and then I tried to teach him more about D&D, and now we’re making pizza bagels.”

The toaster oven dinged, and I burned my fingers maneuvering my bagel onto the plate.

“No, there’re no girls here. Why would you ask that?”

I lifted my eyebrow. Leslie wasn’t the jealous type. If she was, we’d never have made it as far as we had.

Adam laughed at whatever Leslie said in reply, then tugged the phone cord until he could talk in the hall.

“You don’t have to worry about that stuff,” I heard him say. “You’re the only girl for me, babe.”

I stared at my pizza bagel before pushing away my plate. I wasn’t hungry. Not even a little bit.


In the night,I woke to Adam rimming me. I buried my head in my pillow, groaning, the sweet sensation of his tongue a soothing balm on my sore asshole. I spread my legs and lifted my ass to greet his cock when he pressed it against me. Exhausted, I drowsed in and out of a light sleep as he fucked me in gentle, slow rolls. I woke up again coming helplessly against the sheets. There was almost no semen, my balls practically empty from the day of nearly endless sex.

Adam kissed my neck. He whispered sweet words in my ear, then picked up the pace, seeking his own release. Sweat broke over me with each stroke against my now too-sensitive prostate, and an unwilling whine ripped from my throat.

Adam moaned and pumped into me faster and harder until I was gasping with each thrust.

“Yeah,” he whispered in my ear. “Come for me, Peter. Come again for me.”

There was no way. It was too soon, and I was wrung out completely.

Adam shuddered through his own climax, moaning in my ear. He clung to me, his cock thudding in the tight clutch of my ass. I closed my eyes and fought an almost uncontrollable urge to shove him away. Instead, I let him press deeper inside and kiss my neck, murmuring his love before pulling out and rolling to the side.

“Good?” he asked.

I nodded.

“You sure?”


“Okay.” He sounded sleepy, and he dropped off into sleep almost immediately.

I stared up at my ceiling, remembering the glow-in-the-dark stars stuck to the ceiling above Adam’s bed, something niggling at my mind. I rolled up on my elbow and shook Adam awake again. “Hey, you used a condom, right?”

“Mmm?” he moaned, rolling onto his side.

“Just now. You used a condom?”
