Page 120 of Only You

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It was important to not be late.


“Negative,” I repeated,looking at the sheet of paper in my hands, and then back up at the Health Services nurse delivering the news. I’d waited six weeks for this, and I wanted to be certain I’d heard correctly. “You’re sure?”

“Absolutely.” He smiled at me. “False negatives are incredibly rare. Congratulations.” He opened the door to the room, and said, “Exit’s this way to the right. Now, play safe and stay safe.”

I nodded and headed toward the first pay phone I could find. Putting in my quarter, I punched in the number and waited through four long rings before Daniel picked up.

“Hey, guess what?” I said, breathless.


“I got my test results back. All negative. I’m fine.” I didn’t say that either Adamhadused a condom that last time just as he’d claimed, or he hadn’t given me anything at least. Daniel still didn’t know about my worries on that front, and I didn’t want to ruin the good news. “So what about you? Have you heard back?”

I waited with bated breath. We’d made out, gotten off rutting together, and given each other blow jobs, but we hadn’t fucked yet—and I hoped now that I had a clear test, we could proceed to that next step sooner rather than later. With condoms, of course, but I figured the test must have been what was holding him back. Unless Daniel didn’t like anal, and in that case—

“I have,” he said, excitement coursing through the line. “Negative. And no other diseases.”


Daniel’s voice lowered. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

“Yes. I want to,” I said. “I’ve wanted to for a while now.”

“Me too.” Daniel made a sound that was almost like a growl, and I laughed, spontaneous excitement turning to joy in a heartbeat. “I’ve wanted to do that with you for a long time. Longer than we’ve been together.”

My breath came in sharp gasps, and I twisted my fingers into my hair, pulling enough to hurt and center myselfandmake sure I didn’t get an erection. “When?”

“Soon. Definitely soon.”

“I could come over tonight,” I offered. It would mean getting up at an ungodly hour to make it to class, but it would be worth it to get to be with Daniel like that.

“No, I want it to be special.”

“It can’t be anythingbutspecial.”

“I know, but I want to make it…extra special.”

I laughed. “Minty would say that’s very hetero of you.”

“It’s very loving of me,” he said, and my heart skipped two beats.

“Yes,” I whispered. “It is.”

I remembered the first time with Adam, how much it’d hurt, the issue with the sheets, and the sense that I’d lost something important, and how nothing—absolutelynothing—had been made better by that act between us. It’d just complicated things even more. With Daniel, it would be different.Hewas different.

We were different together.

“So when?” I sounded impatient and horny. I was, and I wasn’t ashamed of that fact.

“This weekend,” he said. “What day do you work?”

“Saturday opening shift again.”

“Great. I’ll pick you up at your house after, and we’ll go somewhere nice for a date. Afterwards, I’ll take you somewhere special, too. Somewhere you’ve never been with anyone else, and I haven’t either.”

“Where’s that?”
