Page 137 of Only You

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Daniel and Ifell into an easy, happy routine. Sunday through Friday I stayed at my folks’ house, and he came to campus twice a week to hang out with me over lunch or to read next to me while I studied.

On Saturdays, though, I went out to his place—which was becoming more and more empty by the day in preparation for the sale and his move—and we had sex most of the night. Sunday morning, we’d wake late, eat brunch, and then I’d drive home so I could get any additional homework done that I’d neglected during the week.

It was everything and not enough at all.

I couldn’t wait until he moved into Bobby’s old place so I could spend weeknights with him, too. The drive from Daniel’s new house to school would be shorter than the same drive from my parents’ place, and, just as my mom had said, Ididplan to move in with him—more or less—before the year was out.

It’d be easier on both of us. For a lot of reasons.

Not just because we’d get to have sex more often—which I was looking forward to—but because Daniel could go back to school in his new field, and we could drive to school together with just one parking pass.

“So, when I get back from Florida,” Daniel was saying over the phone, as I sat on the kitchen floor and listened as hard as possible, trying to get the soothing sound of his voice even further into my ear. “I can move into Bobby’s house. By then the Kingston house will be sold—they expect it’ll go fast—which will give my mom a good-sized nest egg.”

“How’s she doing, by the way?” I asked.

Daniel’s mom had gotten out of rehab two weeks ago and gone straight to Florida where she was living with her in-laws for the first time in her life. Daniel had flown down to spend Thanksgiving with them.

“The same,” he hedged. “Not drinking at least. Not yet. But given the way she bristles at every word out of Grandma’s mouth, it might not be long.”

“But she’ll lose the kids if she does that, right?”

“She needs to get her own place, near enough that Grandma and Grandpa can keep an eye on things, but away from the constant caretaking. Grandma’s very loving, but very overbearing. I think she’s trying to see if she can feed me an entire grocery store while I’m down here. Paul’s gotten a little chubby from all of her feeding, if you can believe that.”

“He was so skinny. That’s crazy.”

“Grandma’s loving care and some stability has worked that problem out.”


“Yeah.” We were quiet for a long time and then he said, “I miss you. I want to be with you. I hate being this far away.”

“I hate it, too,” I murmured. “When will you be back?” He’d already told me earlier in the call, but I wanted to hear it again.


“I’ll pick you up from the airport.”

“And we’ll go straight to Bobby’s.”

I wondered when we’d stop calling his new house ‘Bobby’s.’ I’d thought it would be when he redecorated, but he’d already started that. I’d thought it might be after he spent the night there a few times, but he’d already done that, too.

All that was left was for us to christen the place with a few orgasms here and there, and after that I wasn’t sure what would need to happen for him to feel like it was his home. Maybe he’d just have to live there a while.

“Yeah, we’ll go to your new house,” I said, trying to see if I could get him to switch over if I did. “Milky Way will be waiting.”

Kerri was going to drop her off on Wednesday morning, so she’d be there when Daniel arrived. It was easier for her to bring Milky Way to Daniel’s new place than for her to drive all the way out to Kingston, or vice versa.

“And I’ll have you all to myself.”

“Did you buy lube and condoms?” I asked. The last time we’d been at the new place we’d gotten a little frisky, but we hadn’t gone as far as we’d wanted because we’d forgotten to bring essentials.

“Yes, and a bed.”

“A bed!”

“And a rug for in front of the fireplace.”

“You’re getting all kinds of ideas.”
