Page 65 of Only You

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The other members of the class drifted in, chatting with each other, creating a murmuring of voices and a rustle of paper.

Minty dropped down next to me wearing black ankle boots and skintight blue jeans that looked more like tights, all topped off with a pink baby doll dress. He chewed on a Red Vine as he arranged his pencils in his obsessive way, before turning to look at me.

His eyes narrowed. “Don’t tell me. You made up with your ex.” His voice was hard. He shook his head. “Why would you do that? In case you didn’t know, you’re a fool.” He tossed a long red stripe my way, and I caught it.

“No. I didn’t get back together with him. What makes you say that?” I put the licorice in my mouth.

Jennifer slammed her notebook shut, forgoing whatever note review she’d been doing in favor of eavesdropping on our conversation.

“Are you seriously going to trylyingto me?” Minty asked.

“I’m not lying.”

Minty shoved the rest of the Red Vine into his mouth, chewing loudly, as he measured me with his eyes.

I tried very hard to keep my face blank, but there was no disguising the redness of my chin or the fact that I hadn’t shaved because of it. Daniel and I should have agreed before we went our separate ways on what we should tell Minty.

“You totally got laid, though,” Minty said. “There’s no hiding that.” He gestured at my beard burn.

I rolled my eyes, but he wasn’t going to let it go.

“Did you go back for a goodbye fuck? That it?”


Adam and I hadn’t evenhada goodbye fuck. Not like that. I’d let him fuck me seven times the weekend before we broke up, but we hadn’t known then it was over. And the last time…

I shook the thought off.

Minty shook his head. “You had sex. So, if it wasn’t your ex, who was it?”

Jennifer picked that moment to say, “I hate to interrupt this inquisition, but I was wanting to ask you guys a question before class started andthissounds like the kind of conversation that could go on for days.”

“I’m not done with you,” Minty said to me, before rolling his hand at Jennifer as if to say “out with it.”

She smiled. “Is there any way my best friend and I can go with you to that gay club? The Tilt-a-Whirl or whatever?”

Minty looked her over appraisingly. “Have you everbeena fag hag before?”


“Like, do you have hag credentials?”


“Hmm, well, you’re cute enough.” He touched her hair, then slid his hands down her arms and lifted them up, examining her torso and limbs. “You’d make a pretty enough accessory without outshining me. So, I guess it would be okay. Well, wait, what does your friend look like?”

I rolled my eyes, but I was glad for the distraction. With any luck, Donnie would come in and start lecturing before Minty had a chance to get back to questioning me again.

“Her name’s Bernie, and she’s prettier than me,” Jennifer said, fishing around in her purse and bringing up her wallet. She showed him a photo-booth picture of herself and a Black girl with a super-wide smile.

Minty considered the shot. “Why ‘Bernie?’”

“Short for Bernadette.”

“Okay. She a lesbian?”

