Page 85 of Only You

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“Okay, well,” his eyes sparkled in the light from the dying bonfire. “If you find after this weekend, you’d like some tips on how to take a really big dick, give me a call. I’m always happy to share my wealth of experience.”

“Uh, thanks. I think I can handle it,” I said, blushing when I realized how that sounded.

“Oh, I doubt you can. First you need to make sure that you lube up—”

Daniel put his hand over Minty’s mouth. “You aresuchan asshole.”

Minty pried his fingers away and went on, “Lots of lube. Lots of it.”

“Lubeisvery important,” Robert said, chuckling. “And be sure to take your time with it.”

“Right. It’s best not to just let him ram it in,” Minty said. “And if you need to take a break in the middle to get your breath and stop crying, that’s okay, too. Oh, and be drunk. Be really drunk. It helps to loosen up all over. But…I guess then you might puke. Huh, Puker?”

“Thanks, Minty,” I said, not sure if I was annoyed, humiliated, or amused. Maybe all three. “You’re generous to want to share these tips.”

“No problem.” He stuck his tongue out and then shrugged, feigning an innocent expression. “Anything to help our Heartbreaker.”

I rolled my eyes. Of all the nicknames, I really didn’t want that one to stick.

“Stop harassing him. What we do is none of your business,” Daniel said with a hint of real irritation.

“Right,” Antonio said. “Like we didn’tallhear his high, breathy moans when you made him come in the hotel room this summer. That pretty much made it our business.”

My face burned, but Daniel wasn’t having any of it. “Drop it. Now. I’m serious.”

“Consider it dropped,” Minty said, lifting his hands. Antonio raised his hands in surrender as well.

As we said goodbye, I gave Robert and Barry hugs and high-fived Windy. I didn’t say much to Minty or Antonio, still annoyed with them for being pricks.

Not that I didn’t understand it, especially with Minty.

I knew that while he and Daniel had never been a couple, Minty’s treatment of me was based in overprotective jealousy. I got it. Daniel was his oldest friend, more like a brother. I was the interloper who’d let Daniel down once already. Minty would have to get used to the idea that I wasn’t going to dick Daniel over again, and then he’d stop needling me so much.

Minty stomped away from the bonfire in his cowboy boots, leading the group back up to the front of the house. Daniel followed to see them off closer to the driveway.

Hanging back, I remained by the fire. I hunted down a stick from the pile by the side of the benches and stabbed a marshmallow on the end. The night had been fun but exhausting. I was eager for our friends to be gone, so it could be just me and Daniel alone. Nervous excitement thrilled through me. What if it didn’t feel like it had at Bobby’s house? What if it was different tonight?

I picked up a wedge of chocolate, and maneuvered my smoldering marshmallow, gooey and hot, onto a graham cracker and mashed them all together. And just like that, my entire night mashed together, too.

My mom’s skepticism and interrogation, Adam’s appearance—was he dangerous? Was he losing his mind?—the comfort of friends, followed by the annoyance of being teased, and most of all the delicious anticipation of being with Daniel. I wasn’t sure what to expect tonight. Were we going to have anal sex? Was I going to need Minty’s advice after all?

I didn’t know. It made me feel shaky inside to imagine it.

Marshmallow smeared over my lips as I ate. With sticky fingers, I added two more marshmallows to my stick, and held it over the flames while I took another bite of the s’more I’d constructed.

Daniel walked the gang halfway up the hill and then stopped, gesturing back toward me. I saw Minty turn to hug Daniel with both arms while Windy patted Daniel’s shoulder, and Robert waved. Antonio high-fived him goodnight, and Windy did a silly, fancy bow. I could almost hear him bid Danielbonswa. Barry just nodded his head.

It’d been such a fun night, and much as I just wanted to enjoy the rest of the night alone with Daniel, there was something I had to get out of the way first.

I had to tell him about being followed by Adam. I didn’twantto tell him. Mainly because I wasn’t sure what Daniel would say. Or do. Now that it was done and I’d calmed down, I realized I was more sad than angry. What Ireallywanted was to have not seen Adam at all, to be allowed to go back to the flawless, joyful feeling I’d been swimming in before I’d seen his car behind me on the road.

“Everything good?” Daniel asked, panting from his jog back down the hill.

In the dying firelight, his dark blond hair glowed like a halo, and his eyelashes were like spun gold. I wanted to press myself against him and smell his now-familiar scent. I knew it would lift off his skin in the warm juncture of his neck and shoulder. All I had to do was bury my face there, and I’d be enveloped by it.

Instead of answering his question, I pulled the marshmallows out of the flames, still burning like tiny torches. “These are for you.”

Daniel blew them out and then peeled the black skins off, raking the melted centers onto a graham cracker and topping it with a piece of chocolate. He took a bite and the soft, pleasurable sound he let out left my knees a little weak.
