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He’d said it himself. He wanted to be the god. He needed it.

“All right,” I agreed quietly. “We can play with that. I’ll need to teach you a few things first. If you want, we can start tonight.”

The energy from his side of the car amped up. It was part anxiety, part fear, part excitement, and part something darker, something greedy and eager to make me his bitch.

“Okay,” he said softly.

The rest of the ride to campus was quiet, but eventually Minty put his trembling hand on my leg, holding it there with a steady pressure. When we parked in the lot with the small, brick, campus police building ahead of us, Minty whispered, “Thank you, and I’m sorry for needing that, and for everything else too. But thank you.”

I didn’t know what to say, so I pulled him into a hug, only releasing him when he moved back. Facing front, he tugged the visor mirror down and checked his face—makeup-free for a change.

“Let’s do this,” he said. “I’m ready.”

I wasn’t, but I followed him from the car and, for the first time since we met, I let him take the lead.

Chapter Thirty-Two


The campus policewere skeptical until I played the recording for them. After that, there were a lot of phone calls and shouts behind closed doors, and then, hours later, a nice-looking lady wearing a slim brown skirt, a cream dress shirt with a built-in scarf, and a brown tweed jacket sat down across the table from me and gave me what had to be her kindest eyes.

“Let’s start at the beginning,” she said gently.

Luke took hold of my hand, and I squeezed it hard, trying to keep my soul in my body. “The beginning-beginning? Or the beginning with Kyle?”

“Whatever you think is best.”

That was the first time in my life I’d ever told the whole truth to an attorney, even the worst, most shameful truth about my dad.

“After that,” I concluded, having shared the way I’d sucked him off and then spit the cum in his face. “I hated myself. I still do. Hate myself, I mean.”

She made notes.

“He went to prison,” I told her. “So, I’ve done all this before, and I really don’t want to do it again.”

I realized how that had played a role in my reluctance to come to the police last night. “I don’t want to give testimony and have a jury stare at me, knowing what I did.” I shivered. “Knowing privatethings no one should know about me.”

“I understand,” the woman said quietly, and suddenly I wished I’d paid more attention when she’d given her name. I’d been too busy disassociating and trying to keep myself from breaking into a million pieces from the memories and the brutal stares and horrified expressions from the campus police. “We’ll try to keep it from coming to that.”

“Can you?” Luke asked.

“‘Try’ is the operative word.”

I felt nauseous, the world tilting on its axis for the second time in my life. What had I done? Now that I’d opened this can of worms, there was no way to close it again. I was going to end up on the nightly news, everyone was going to know my business.

Before, I was a minor, protected by the justice system. This time, it would be my word against Kyle’s. Who knew what he might say? The God’s honest truth? That I’dwantedhim to assault me? Or a lie? That I was making it up to get revenge on him for not wanting me? Or worse?

“I take it back,” I said, standing up.

Luke shook his head, tugging on my hand. “Minty, no. He’s dangerous.”

“I know!”

“We’ll protect you,” the attorney said.

“You can’t,” I whispered. “I already know you can’t.”
