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“What if he can’t hurt me enough? What if he tries and I can’t be satisfied?” I glanced toward the frat guys, each so like the other with their thick necks, beefy hands, and the same horny vibe that let me know any one of them would let me suck them off in the bathroom—

But they’d have to beat me up afterward to prove they weren’t gay.

“What if I need that?” I tilted my head slightly toward them.

Barry’s lips flattened. “You might. But I think if you give this atry, you’ll be surprised by how little you’ll want or need that kind of roughness from those kinds of boys.”

“I don’t know,” I said, sitting back and slurping the last of the milkshake, the cup rattling as I tried for more.

Barry leaned forward and took the empty cup from me. “It can’thurtto meet Luke.”

I grinned. “But then what would be the point?”

Barry rolled his eyes and, for the first time all night, I laughed.



“This kid isn’tright in the head,” I surmised, after Barry explained the situation.

Sitting in the passenger seat of his Dodge truck, I bit into the Wendy’s burger we’d picked up from the drive-through. I only had an hour’s meal break before I was due back at Knox Supplies & News, an adult toy store and porn shop with a child-safe, misleading name to satisfy the neighboring businesses.

I was working the third shift this week, aka the busiest shift. With the commissions I received from larger sales, I earned a lot more when I worked through the night, but it fucked with my sleep schedule like crazy.

Barry worked at Tilt-a-Whirl, and also at the University of Tennessee Library, and he understood sleep deprivation. He sometimes went straight from one job to the other, closing the club to open the library just a few minutes later. I didn’t know how he did it, but he never seemed challenged by it.

He always came across as calm, collected, and in control.

Which was why I was listening so closely to his plea for me to “handle” this Minty kid. For the first time since Jerome had introduced me to Barry all those years ago, he sounded uncertain, worried, and I’d even say scared. As a sadist, I recognized everytenor and tremble of fear in a voice. I lived for it.

“So, what do you want me to do?” I asked, after Barry once again outlined the situation and the urgency of it.

“You’re good at pain.”

“I’m great at it,” I agreed.

“And you don’t mind degradation.”

“Not my favorite way to play, but I can do it for a sub who requires it.”

“He needs it,” Barry said. “He won’t stick around if you’re soft with him, that’s for sure. He’ll go right back to courting death with those assholes who truly despise him and aren’t just pretending to hate him for the orgasm.”

“Mm.” I chewed a bite of hamburger thoughtfully, tossing a fry into my mouth. “But what’s in it for me? Aside from what will probably be some great sex. I’m a pro. I get paid for this and he’s broke, or so you say. Areyougoing to pay for it? Or is Robert?” I shook my head. “Is this some kind of desperate, kinky, birthday present for this kid?”

“I’m asking you to do it as a favor.” Barry’s breath hitched, and I knew he was getting ready to throw down a card he was embarrassed to use, and I also knew exactly which card it would be. “As one of Jerome’s students for another.”

I chuckled. “I knew you’d drag his ass into this.”

“He did train you and me both.”

“Two failed subs of his is more like it,” I said, laughing again. “You dropped out, and I became a sadistic Dom instead of his kneeling, sweet boy.”

“He had to see it coming from both of us,” Barry said. “And just because I dropped out doesn’t mean I failed. I learned a lot from my time with him—stamina, endurance, how to control myself when I want to lash out. Tons of things. I bet you learned a lot too.”

“Oh, everything I know, just about.” I popped in another french fry and slurped my Coke. “I’m in between boys right now.”

That was a lie. The truth was I wasn’t Domming professionallyorfor fun at the moment. As a nearly exclusive top—who’d made a few unfortunate exceptions in recent years—my HIV diagnosis made it hard for me to play the way I wanted to, especially with any HIV negative subs. And I didn’t want to advertise for pos guys only. It seemed grotesque, like fiddling as Rome burned down or dancing on graves.
