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I squeezed my eyes shut. For a smart guy, a good Dom, he’d just stupidly given me an easy out. I could say yes, and that would be… that. I didn’t think Luke was the kind of guy to beg for me to give him another chance.

But I couldn’t lie. I shook my head.

“I didn’t?”


“Then why haven’t you been answering your phone?”

When I didn’t reply, he got up and flipped on the light, sucked in a breath, and a nightmarish expression distorted his features.

I winced. I’d managed to keep anyone in my dorm from noticing my face, though I’d looked at it in the mirror enough times to wonder if this bruise was bad enough to leave some kind of permanent mark.

“Holy shit,” Luke whistled. “You’re hurt.” He touched my swollen cheek gently, sliding down to my split lower lip. “Who didthis? That asshole? It was, wasn’t it?”

I froze. I didn’t know how to answer. If I said yes, then he’d assume I’d been going behind his back, against our agreement, but if I said no… Then he’d assume I was lying. After all, why else would I be in bed, ignoring his calls?

“He did,” Luke said. “He hurt you.”

Gently, he urged me to sit up, and when he got a look at the contusion on the side of my naked torso, his mouth went flat and his eyes grim. “Mitchell, did you go to him?”

My lips trembled, my chin quivered, and tears welled behind my lids. I kept them shut, not wanting to see his disbelief when I shook my head no.

“You didn’t go to him?”

I shook my head again.

“He did this to you without your consent?”

I nodded. I thought so, at least. Maybe. It was confusing.

Luke sat on the bed beside me, pulling me into his arms, and I fell against him, sobs breaking free for the first time since it happened. He stroked my hair, murmured quiet words, and when I finally calmed down, he said he’d be right back. He was going to get some water and coffee for me.

He must have just gone down to the canteen in the lobby because he was back before I had time to stop panicking about what he was doing here and what was going to happen now. He came back in with a cold bottle of water, a hot cup of coffee, and a hot dog with chili on top. The scent of it made my mouth water.

“Here,” he said, using the wooden desk chair he’d pulled over as a makeshift table for the things he’d brought. “When did you eat last? It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”

I wasn’t sure, actually. But I still couldn’t bring myself to talk to him. Silently, I took a sip of the water, and a sip of coffee, and the difference in temperature felt like a wake-up call to my stomach.When I picked up the hot dog and stuffed it in my mouth, I suddenly remembered how eagerly my hands had gone for Kyle’s dick, how I’d had him between my lips before I’d had the sense to try to stop it. I gagged before I could swallow the bite.

“Is your mouth okay?” Luke asked.

I nodded.

“Do you want me to cut the hot dog up?”

I agreed, and he used the plastic knife and fork from the canteen to dismantle the phallic dog and turn it into chili covered bites of meat and bread. I closed my eyes and dove in. From past experience, I knew the flavor was good, but in my misery, it tasted like ash.

“Baby,” Luke whispered when I’d finished the food, the coffee, and half the water. “Did he… I mean, can I look at you?” He motioned downward, indicating my ass. “Is everything okay there? No tears? No infection setting in?”

“He didn’t tear me,” I whispered. “I’ve had worse fucks than this.” I choked on the words. Memories of the first time I’d had a man on my back and not wanted him there filled my mind. What I’d said to my father had been oh-so-different from what I’d said to Kyle. But somehow, I’d done it again. I’d flipped the power dynamic. I’d spoken words that, like magic, had stolen his power and made him afraid.

“Then what?” Luke said, stroking my hair sweetly.

“I bit his hand hard enough to draw blood.” I could still remember the metal taste of it on my tongue. My stomach threatened to revoke the tenancy of the coffee and hot dog. “Then I told him I had HIV. That stopped him. He freaked out.”

I motioned to my lividly purple side. “Kicked me. Ran.”

