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High school sophomore year

My hearing grew sharper after my sixteenth birthday. The sounds of combination locks clicking into place rattled in my ears, along with the swishing of clothing and the hushed whispers about my size.

“Hey! Nolan!” a deep voice called after me, followed by several catcalls.

My eyes rolled back in my head. I knew Simon’s voice well. “What?”

“Don’t be that way, little man. We just want to talk to you.”

His feet pounded on the floor behind me as Simon ran up, grabbing my favorite red backpack to stop me. His snide voice caused my skin to crawl. “You’re not being very nice to your Alpha’s.”

Hot breath puffed from my nose as my eyes swept the hall, lined with gold lockers and a smattering of students. I didn’t see anyone to help me with this brute, so I cast my eyes to the speckled white floor.

“I need to get to class.” My voice wavered, and I bit the inside of my cheek.

People in my pack swooned over him. Omegas wanted his attention. Betas were happy to do his bidding. His blond hair cut in a high and tight, green eyes always filled with mischief and he loved to flaunt his bare chest.

His large hands moved to my hips, and I felt his long fingertips flutter near my dick.I hope he doesn’t touch me or pull my pants down like last year.

He slid around to my front, still holding on to me tightly. He flashed his bright white teeth in a grin before pulling me close into an embrace. I barely came up to his shoulders, and he chuckled as he leaned down to my neck.

His hot breath tickled the shell of my ear. “Nolan, I can’t wait until your first heat.” He moaned and pushed his erection into my stomach. “It’s gonna be sweet breeding you.”

Fear filled me. “Are we mates?”

“Does it really matter?” He ran his nose from my ear, down my neck to my shoulder. “I’m an alpha. You’re an omega.” His tongue flicked out and licked my neck. “And your ass is mine.”

I turned my head from him. “I need to go.”

He crudely rubbed his erection against me. The sheer size of what he had in his pants terrified me. I could feel its long length pushing up into my ribs. “Feel how big my dick is?” He purred, making my skin crawl again. “It can’t wait to feel your slick.”

“That’s enough, Mister Scott.” Our principal appeared behind Simon. “Let Nolan get to his class, and I suggest you do the same.”

Simon snorted. “Yes, ma’am.” His top lip lifted in a scowl for me to see.

“Do you have a problem with me?” A saccharin smile spread across her face.

He placed his hand over his heart, letting me go. I took the opening and dashed away, feeling grateful for Miss Norman’s interference. “Why, Miss Norman? How could an alpha like me have an issue with a beta like you?”

Her laughter echoed in the cleared out hall. “Why don’t we discuss it over a detention?”

“I have football practice.”

“Not if I say you can’t.” Triumph sounded in her words. “Don’t worry, QB, if you play nice, I’ll let you play in the homecoming game.”

Letting out the breath I held, I slipped into class and took my seat without notice. The teacher kept talking and writing something on the board, giving me time to get my book out. The person sitting behind me tapped my shoulder.

I turned halfway in my seat and saw Simon’s cohort Bradley. As a young pup, Bradley made my heart race. Thick brown hair and eyes with tan skin and muscles. A sight for anyone to behold, but when he opened his mouth, it killed any vibe I had. Crude, manipulative and calculating. Between him and Simon, the torment never stopped.

He held my gaze while he licked his lips and reached under the desk to adjust himself. With a wink, he produced a note and handed it to me.

My lunch rose in my throat as I snatched the note and turned back around before the teacher could catch me.

Going into my first heat filled me with dread. There weren’t many omegas in the Grimclaw pack. We had some alphas, but betas made up the rest of the pack. I needed a plan to get out of town before I became their chew toy.
