Page 19 of Marked By the Alpha

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I howled in pain around the gag, inhaling the disgusting stench of the bag.

Hands fumbled around my body, securing my hands and feet, and then someone picked me up in a firefighter style, tossing my naked body over their shoulder, pressing painfully into my stomach. I could tell we left my apartment, as he bounced going down the stairs, making me slam up and down on him.

The cool night air blew around my damp skin, and I heard something pop open before they dropped me on the hard floor and slammed a door. The odd shape of a tire pressed against my body as the car rumbled to life. I instantly recognized the sound of Del’s car and my body rocked as he drove carelessly over all the bumps.

Tears flowed down my face, wetting the bag, making the smell worse, and I had to fight the urge to vomit. I had a feeling they were taking me to our pack lodge.

Simon’s threatened me for years with strapping me up as punishment and sadness fought with fear as I realized what I was in for. When the car stopped, I heard the latch for the trunk release and felt something hard slam against my head.



My pack gathered at our lodge. Tonight before the run, there’s naked bodies as far as the eyes can see. We all leave our clothes inside, so we weren’t always buying new ones.

We had an old bell to signal the start of the run, and as soon as it rang, it looked like a sea of fur covering the lawn as we all shifted and our paws touched down!

The earth felt as amazing beneath my paws now as it did the very first time I shifted.

We ran together as a pack racing through the woods, zigging and zagging through the trees. Leaping over downed trees, splashing in small puddles and chasing some of the small creatures out of our way.

Thinking about Simon having my mate’s scent on him drove me mad.

Why did he smell like him? How are they connected? Has he hurt him?

After the coach yelled at us, I kept my distance from Simon in the locker room. He didn’t even hit the showers before running out.

Our pack has butted heads with the Grimclaw pack before, when another omega of their pack left and asked to join us. He claimed that Ivory Martin demanded he be his omega; they weren’t fated mates.

Simon’s father, Lane, forbid Fabian to leave, stating that he rightfully belonged to Ivory.

Our pack leader, Dillon, stood up to Lane. He said that unless they were fated, they could hold no one against their will.

Fabian joined us, and his mate found him. They both lived with the Brokenridge pack further north from us.

Lane ran the Grimclaw pack like a business. It was all about what you could do for him. Most of the younger wolves in their pack were a bunch of greedy, manipulative assholes.

Based on my mate’s fur, I knew he’d been born into the Grimclaw pack.

Once I found him, I planned to bring him home to Shadowhelm.

Julius caught up to me and nipped at my tail, pulling me from my thoughts. He gave a couple of howling barks before running off.

Pushing thoughts of Simon Scott and his pack from my mind, I relaxed as I ran. I chased after Julius and launched over another log that he went under. Landing ahead of him, I kept running, letting out a series of howls. Two other alphas in our pack joined in.

I darted to the right and followed that path to the clearing where I met my mate earlier that day, excited that his scent still lingered. Julius joined me, along with his sister Charity. We had our noses on the ground, sniffing.

My ears twisted back when I caught the scent of blood mixed with my mate’s smell. Alarm raged through me and I followed the trail around to a small cave. I could smell my mate stronger here, but I also scented someone else.


Hot breath puffed out of my nose as I inspected the floor of the cave. My mate had been here, and he was bleeding.

Rage pumped through my veins, and I lifted my head, letting out a howl that made Julius and his sister bow and three other pack members joined us.

My paws dug at the ground, and I paced between the walls before shifting to my biped form. Five sets of eyes looked up at me and I felt mine narrow.

“My mate was here.” I pointed to the ground. “He’s injured and I can smell that fucker, Simon.” I snarled.
