Page 23 of Marked By the Alpha

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Keeping my eyes down, I heard my voice tremble as I answered. “Yes.”

“Am I hurting you?” His voice dropped to a soft cadence, and I heard a small purr.

“No.” I sighed and relaxed against him.

The smell of apples almost overwhelmed me and the trees gave way to the clearing we met in earlier in today. Thoughts of our flirty playtime made me smile bigger and then worry crept its way in.

What if he didn’t like me?

The rest of the trip, he didn’t speak and soon the other three wolves caught up to us. I couldn’t help sighing again as I snuggled closer to his chest and fell asleep.



When we stepped from the clearing, most of the Shadowhelm pack rushed over. A tall man that favored Sebastian pushed his way through the crowd to us.

“Let me take him.” His soft voice and kind eyes put me at ease.

“I got him, pop.”

Another man pushed through the crowd. “Let’s all back up and give Sebastian some space.”

He ran his hand gently along my calves. “Oh dear, these wounds need to be cleaned. Bas, let dad and I care for him while you shower and get something to eat.”

I felt Sebastian’s hold get tighter, and he stepped back. “I can care for my mate.”

“Sebastian Michael Aarons.” The second gentleman tilted his head. “No one is saying you can’t care for him, but you’re covered in blood and piss. That’s not an attractive look for anyone.” His nose wrinkled.

His hold tightened again, and he let out a soft growl. I couldn’t stop the whimper that slipped out and his piercing blue eyes looked down at mine.

“Am I hurting you?” His gentle voice surprised me after hearing his fierce alpha one. I cringed and nodded, shocked when his hold relaxed. “Nolan? Would you mind my dads tending to you?”

I felt my eyes blink, and I fought the tears that threatened to fall.

He’s rejecting me already?

Clearing my throat, my voice came out softly. “I’m fine. I’ll do what you want me to.”

A growl rumbled against my side as he handed me to the first man. “Please, take care of him.”

“Of course, son.” He nodded and carried me away from the crowd to a car with the second man beside him.

“Is Nolan your name?” He leaned his head to look at me.

I nodded and felt the first of many tears fall.

“Sweetheart, Sebastian isn’t mad at you.” He jogged forward and opened the back door for the other man to set me down. “I’m Leslie, and the man who set you down is Anders.”

“Thank you.” I sniffled.

“Do we need to contact your family?” Anders’ voice reminded me of Sebastian’s and I shook my head.

A deep frown marred his face, and he disappeared from my sight.

Wonderful! I’ve made my mate and his father angry with me.
