Page 22 of Marked By the Alpha

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“That’s my son.”

The large black wolf to my right stepped closer to her, growling.

“Aw, Simon, your mommy is here to save you.” Sebastian mocked.

“Go away, Mom,” Simon growled out as he stood back up. “I can take this candy ass.”

“All you’re gonna take is the ass whipping I’m not done giving you.”

I heard chortles of laughter from our pack members. Simon ruled as though this pack was his. His father let him, and rarely spoke out against any of Simon’s actions.

Simon let out a howl and charged straight for the Sebastian’s throat. My mate lifted his hand and used the palm to strike at Simon’s face. And his knee slammed into his groin, dropping Simon back to the ground.

“You deserve this ass beating and more.” Sebastian sneered as he spit on Simon.

“That’s enough.” Our pack leader growled.

“Is that so?” Sebastian turned and walked away from Simon. “You stand by and allow this to happen to one of your own, and you think you get to tell me when it’s enough?” He pointed at me. “Take a good long look at how battered and beaten he is.”

“I said that’s enough.” He puffed his chest up. “You are onmyland.”

“Yeah.” Sebastian nodded. “I am.”

He walked over to us and offered a hand. “Can you stand?”

I nodded and accepted his help up and felt Charity stand behind me.

“Nolan, are you ready to leave?”

I looked down, feeling shy, and nodded again.

Sebastian scooped me up, bridal style, and turned back to the pack leader, Lane. “Nolan is no longer part of your pack. I’m taking him home.”

Charity shifted, walked over beside Simon and dropped a log, kicking her legs behind to mark her scent on the ground before she joined the other four wolves surrounding us.

I hid my face in Sebastian’s chest, trying to hide my laugh as he walked us over to the woods.

Three of the wolves formed a line as a protective barrier, letting us walk ahead with Charity and another wolf.

Being in Sebastian’s arms made me feel safer than I ever have before. There were no backward glances to be had. I was going home to my new pack with my mate.

I felt his chest bounce against me with a laugh. “Hey, Julius?”

The wolf on our right made an inquisitive noise.

“Guess now we know.” A smile spread across his face and the wolf shifted into a man.

“Know what, Bas?”

“Whose dick is bigger.” He threw his head back, laughing harder.

“You’re right, but I bet coach won’t be happy.” Julius chuckled.

“Eh.” He shrugged. “I’m not worried.”

My hand itched to touch his chest, and feel the soft fur he had there, but I fought against the urge.

Julius shifted back, and I saw him and Charity trot ahead of us.
