Page 25 of Marked By the Alpha

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“My dads took him home to tend to his wounds.” I couldn’t help the snarl that came out.

“Julius, please go tell Flora we have a member who needs a healer.” Dillon’s eyes remained locked with mine.

“On it, Alpha.” Julius jogged off, and Charity followed, leaving me alone with Dillon.

“You did good, Sebastian.” He finally smiled at me. “I remember the horrors Fabian told me. No one deserves that.”

“Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me, pup, I’m thinking about retiring.” He chuckled.

I laughed with him and we walked towards the lodge when a stranger came running up to us, panting.

“Excuse me, where can I find Julius De Luca?”

Tilting my head, I could see why my best friend asked this man out. “You must be Flynn.”

“You know who I am?” His eyes grew wide.

“Julius talked about you.”

“Do you know where he is? I didn’t purposely stand him up. I was worried about my friend…”

“Flynn!” Charity yelled and ran over. “What happened? Where were you?”

“I was just telling Sebastian I didn’t mean to stand your brother up. Nolan was supposed to meet me before the game. And when he didn’t show up, I went to his apartment at the omega house, and someone trashed it.” Tears filled his eyes. “So then I went to the Grimclaw lodge and heard about some uppity Shadowhelm alpha.”

“Flynn.” Charity laughed, motioning to me with her thumb. “Meet our uppity alpha.”

“Hey.” I waved and watched his jaw drop.

“You’re the one that kicked Simon’s ass!”

I nodded. “I guess good news travels fast.”

“Thank you.” He wiped his tears away. “Nolan didn’t deserve what those tools did to him.”

“Nobody does.” Dillon sighed. “I told Lane to get bent.”

“Wait.” I turned to him. “So you were just bustin’ my chops?”

“Well, yeah.” He lifted a shoulder in a shrug. “It’s fun riling you young alphas up.”

Julius joined us and reached for Flynn’s hand. “We could go for a run now?”

Flynn nodded. “I’d like that.”

I watched as they shifted and took off, shaking my head.

“Jealous?” Charity bumped into my side.

I looked down at her with a frown. “Maybe.”

“C’mon, let’s eat.” She motioned to the lodge, and we followed her in.

The food smelled amazing, and my stomach growled.

When did Nolan eat last?
